Spirit: Seretta Kem
Medium: Al Fike
Date: April 8, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC
You are all gifted, beloveds. You all have many gifts. Those gifts that are most evident are not necessarily the most powerful that you possess. There is much more to express, to come to know within you. Yes, as you are ready, as you are strengthened in love, as you come closer to the Heavenly Father, so these aspects of your soul are awakened and come naturally into their fullness and ripeness of expression.
Beloved souls, you must continue to pray fervently for the Father’s Love to seek this gift, to seek it earnestly, to allow the Touch of God within your soul so that these potentials and gifts may emerge and be utilized by God.
Some of you have a glimmer, an inkling of what lies within you. There are times when you may have deep insight, a revelation, some understanding and perception of the power of the soul. But I tell you my friends, there is much more. Much that can come given your desire and efforts and prayers.
As you have been told, the mind is what holds you back. A mind that has been fed all your life. A mind that has been developed and is powerful within your being. But my beloved souls, now is the time for balance, that your minds may acquiesce to the soul and your mind may come to acknowledge these things of the soul and of God. When this balance is struck then the richness of the soul emerges and finds its expression in your daily life. Powerful blessings will manifest as you release all conditions that inhibit the light of your soul, the love that flows from your soul, the blessings that come from God and flow through you to many others.
There are many possibilities, beloveds. Many opportunities, many experiences that are yet to be awakened within your conscious self. God will open these doors slowly, gently, as to not to overwhelm your sensibility and equilibrium. For some of these things are powerful indeed and are only granted to those souls who are strong enough to work with these spiritual aspects of the soul in a way that will bring many blessings to their brothers and sisters. Since these gifts and manifestations are powerful and evident and not subtle, we need to be assured that you will not take these things for granted or utilize them to your enrichment and benefit. But to give to them and give way to them with humility and grace, not thinking that they will bring you attention and acknowledgment and praise but that you do this for the love of God and within the flow and Will of God and that there is a plan in which these gifts that you carry, these expressions of the soul, will be a part and a harmonious aspect of your instrumentality.
Yes, much is given when you are ready, beloved souls. You feel and see already the changes that are happening within you. The strengthening of the love within your soul, the expression of your gifts flowing and manifesting in the light. With patience, perseverance, humility, and prayer all will unfold, all will be given, all will be a beautiful expression. Your journey in life will be more and more of a spiritual nature and expression. In this way, the Will of God will manifest through you. Each is blessed with this richness, these gifts and abilities unique to you but also in harmony with one another.
Have faith, my beloved friends, in the possibilities that exist within your soul and what God may utilize within the great landscape of your soul expressed in love. You will see. It comes step by step. You are blessed.
God bless you. I am Seretta Kem and my love is with you. God bless you.