Spirit: Eileen Caddy
Medium: Rev. Jimbeau Walsh
Date: April 9, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC
I am here Eileen Caddy. I am delighted to be with you. As you may know, I am the founder of Findhorn up in the northern regions of Scotland which can be a very inhospitable place. I found myself there living in a caravan with my then husband wondering “what are we going to do?”. So I prayed and God spoke to me. Out of this seed was built quite an amazing community which of course to this day, although institutionalized to some extent, still exists and has expanded. It took many to build and to maintain. It was built as a spiritual center and I followed God’s guidance every day. God directed us and guided us on how to build, what to build. We have a hall, a great hall. This was a Portal of Light and still is although somewhat diminished. So I come to you to invite you to this place to restore the portal there.
I too was a new thought person as Brother Mandus was, but both of us were used as instruments of God, both of us receiving His Love, sharing and guiding with others. God told me unity was imperative. Unify all. Reject none. Accept all who come to work with you for what we are building is in spirit greater than any material things.
This place that I founded needs to be revitalized and I urge you to request to speak there, to channel and speak with us there, to pray there. Because you are needed as you are needed in the other center there in England. I give this message to all of you not to any one specific person. I come in joy and in celebration and my soul is so full of God’s Love and love for you all ! Thank you for allowing me to speak. I thank this one who I have been guiding daily for quite some time now as he knows and encouraging him to follow his guidance in the Love of God. May every blessing be yours.
I wish to acknowledge this place as well, this bright, full of light portal of God’s Love and to thank you for maintaining this place but now is time to go out. There will be many centers. There will be places of refuge and those of you who carry God’s Love in your soul are needed. I will work with you and be with you in God’s Love. Again, thank you! May God bless your work and all that you do.
I am your friend and sister in God’s Love, Eileen Caddy. I love you. God bless you.