The road is clear before you

Spirit: Jesus

Medium: Al Fike

Location: Gibsons, BC

Date: January 2, 2017

God bless you beloved souls, I am Jesus.

Look up. Look up with the eyes of your souls and see the Light of the Holy Spirit which descends upon you all at this time. Bringing the inflowing of the Father’s Essence, touching your souls deeply with Love, bringing the change so needed within each one of you my beloveds and to this world. Yes, you bring this Light with your prayers and your desires and your expressions of love. You bring this Gift from God.

Beloved souls, you are forever bonded in this Love for you are each touched deeply in this way and you share an experience that is holy and beautiful and powerful.  Beloved souls, look to the future with joy. Look to the coming year with anticipation as you continue to walk upon the Divine Path and seek the truth in ways that your souls may flourish and open, flowering in Love, bringing the fruits of God’s Blessing and Gifts to you my beloveds.

God has cleared the way for you my beloveds. There are no obstructions other than that which you create for yourselves. There is nothing to hold you back from a true awareness of who you truly are and who God is.

Beloveds, be with God in all innocence and joy,  surety and faith. Allow the Grace of God to carry you, to nurture you, to bring you into that place of joy, spiritual strength and deep wisdom.  That Love may flow into every part of your beings my beloveds, every aspect of your souls, every aspect of your spirit and bodies. That Love may inhabit all of you completely, powerfully and beautifully.

There is no turning back my beloveds. There is always a step forward, a new discovery, an opening of your true selves, a greater understanding of God’s true nature, a deeper recognition of what life is for and who you are and what you are in the flow of this great and wondrous Creation of God.  Your eyes will open my beloveds, your hearts will swell with joy, your souls will awaken and see the world from the Light of true and wondrous understanding as the faculties of your souls, the sight, and true knowledge that is deep within you comes to your conscious self and brings clear and wondrous truth and joy, pure and deep Love beyond measure and meaning that is not of the mind but a knowing of the soul.

I bless you my beloveds on your journey and I will lead you and be with you as you journey through these coming days and months and years upon your life’s path as God opens the way and shows you those great opportunities to be a channel of Love in the world.

Allow God to guide you my beloveds. Seek that inner voice and do all in the Light of Love. Where there is Love there is healing, there is harmony, there is peace and a true knowing. Recognize this within yourselves and carry the truth close to your bosom. That you may accept, and honour and truly know what Love, the Love of God is, and what God and His Wondrous Being can give to each of you my beloveds; treasures beyond price, infinite Love, deep knowing that comes with this Blessing as it grows within your souls and brings you ever closer to the Creator. Walk in this Light beloveds.  The road is clear before you. Walk in this Light and you will know the deep peace and fulfillment of a soul redeemed in Love.

God bless you beloveds. My blessing to you. God’s Great Holy Spirit touches each and every soul in this room and many more. God bless you. God bless you.