Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: August 3, 2015
It is your teacher Augustine. Yes, many are coming, my beloveds. Many are coming and I urge you to prepare yourselves for those who come. You must build within you and around you the conditions that are required for God to do His work effectively and powerfully within each soul who comes to partake of fellowship and Love. For those who are receptive and open there will be a great shift in their consciousness and understanding which will change their lives, change the direction of their lives, change the purpose of their lives. And do you not all want to be a part of this and to be open to God’s direction and plan for you? This requires a prayerful attitude, a setting aside of those conditions which tie you to this world and lower your consciousness from awareness to your Creator to awareness of your fellow human beings and those conditions.
I do not say that you must be detached and unloving to others, merely to indicate that when you are immersed in the conditions of the world God often feels distant, but when you are immersed in the conditions of God’s Love and your mind is cognizant of His presence you may be a loving channel for all your brothers and sisters.
And many come out of need, seeking, wanting to be strong and in God’s Grace and you must be those examples, beloved children, you must be those examples for others. Continue with your prayers, redouble your efforts, make the changes necessary to be in harmony with God, release that which holds you back, step over the threshold. The door is open to a place of greater Light and greater joy and greater Love. You will be given all that you require and this will not be a struggle but an acceptance of what is given and what is meant for you.
If you are struggling, my beloveds, you are holding on to old conditions that are no longer truly a part of you and as you release this you feel lighter and lighter, more joyful and at ease, you begin to know that wonderful harmony that living in the flow of God’s Love and within His laws of Love. And with that Love burning and influencing you from within, is this not what you seek? Is this not what all of humanity seeks, to be free from the conditions that bedevil so many and to be in Grace always? It is but a choice; it is but a prayer away and it always awaits you, beloveds, it always awaits you. God will never let you down or abandon you or hurt you. God is Love, unconditional. God is what you seek, what your souls long for. He awaits you. Be with Him, beloveds. Seek out the Creator and seek to know Him from deep within you and you will know of what I speak and receive all Goodness and Light, blessings divine, healing and comfort, peace and joy.
I will continue to pray with you and be with you, my beloved students, as you walk the path divine. We walk with you in joyful fellowship. God bless you. God bless you, precious souls. Augustine loves you dearly.