Spirit: Jesus
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: June 1, 2015
Beloved souls. I come, I am Jesus. The Father enfolds you in His Love. He carries you upon the Divine Path to bring you to that great destination of at-onement as your hearts open and your souls respond to His call and His Love which flows to those deep places within you bringing you into this Light, upon this Path, beyond the conditions of the world, into that place of harmony and Love, peace and healing. And as you feel His Grace surround and permeate you, know that you are truly loved, that you are worthy of His Love, that you are a beautiful creation, His creature whom He cares for tenderly with each breath you take. God’s Love and care is all about you, accept this blessing, my beloveds. Walk in this Light and be open and eager to receive His gift of Love within your souls. For in this lies your salvation, my beloveds, and with this touch you will be opened to all the wonderment, the understanding, that comes with soul, a great blessing of perception and wisdom.
Do you not feel this peace that passes all understanding, my beloveds? Drink deep of the Father’s Love. Be at peace and know you are truly loved and this love shall increase and increase and increase within you and all about you until you find that at-onement which is your destiny, the path you travel, the place which will bring you the ultimate joy and knowing and being. God bless you, my beloveds, I am Jesus and I love you dearly. You are truly my brothers and sisters and we walk together upon God’s Path of Love and we shall continue to do so for all eternity beloveds, beloveds.