Jesus greets those gathered in retreat. Reiterates his calling to be his disciples

Spirit: Jesus

Medium:  Al Fike

Location:  Gibsons, BC

Date:  August 15, 2015

I am Jesus, I come and I am so pleased that you have answered my call to come together to seek the guidance your souls yearn to have and acknowledge, for many of you have many questions and you seek to serve your Heavenly Father in higher and greater ways, in a greater flow of His Love and to be within yourselves more aligned with the Father’s care and Love. Beloved, beautiful souls, know that these questions will be answered and that you will reach that place of greater service and understanding, and that the harmony that you seek, the peace that you seek within your lives and within the flow of this service will be granted by God as you come to that place of greater awareness of  understanding the Will of God. And embodied within the will of God is Harmony and Love and Peace. And as you step more closely into that flow, more deeply into that Light, more fully into yourselves, your true selves, all the conditions of the world, all that would assail you cannot touch you. You come to that place of Peace, of truly understanding what this life is for, and all of those conditions which distract you and pull you from this Light will not have the power to do so for you will be centered in God and a place of sure and bounteous blessings and peace and knowing and you will not be shaken by these conditions.

You will be at peace, my beloveds, and you will know joy, deep and abiding joy. And though you will observe the conditions around you, you will perceive them in a different way, you will come to a deep acceptance and you will manifest Truth in such a way that those who are manifesting these human conditions will turn to you and ask how they may too be in that place of Peace and Love and this will be your opportunity to speak the Truth. And the greatest message, the most powerful way to teach others is to be an example of the Truth in the world, to walk in that quiet way, to emanate the Light and the Peace, the Love and the healing that comes from your Heavenly Father through you. And as you are not bothered by these conditions, there are no barriers to this flow of Love. Do not hold back through your own mental judgments and filters but merely walk in this simple way, this powerful way of Love.

And this, my beloveds, is my first instruction to you and how you may further bring the Truth to mankind. It must start with your own being, to be and walk in that place in alignment with your Heavenly Father, and this you know is the response to receiving the Love of God within you. Without this very fundamental truth living within your being you cannot move forward, it is not possible. For if you are in the world and of the world you are very much a part of the conditions of the world, but if you are in the world but not of the world you become God’s channels of Love. And this I realize, my beloveds, is the most challenging invitation of all. But each of you have prayed to be at one with God in His Love and to walk this world as a channel of Love. And you have prayed this from your souls for this is your soul’s desire. This is what you truly want, my beloveds, and it does require your effort, your commitment, your strength, and your discipline and most of all it requires that you may love yourselves truly and have compassion for yourselves truly and to release all those conditions which are not loving, which you utilize to condemn yourselves and judge yourselves. And this indeed reflects the human condition which you all long to be released from, to know the joy of your souls, to feel the wonderment of the creation that you are unique and beautiful. And as you desire this, so God shall grant your desires in His blessings of Love, touching you deeply, touching you in ways that are transformative and powerful and healing.

And we who love you and walk with you shall continue to assist you in this effort to heal yourselves and to be that Light in the world, and some have walked this Path for many years, some are new to this Path yet have a deep understanding of what it is. But I tell you, you are all capable of walking in this Light, of loving yourselves and loving all of humanity, of being in the world but not of the world. And now is the time to step forward into this Light and accept this invitation to release your burdens, to be free of your fears, to allow the Light within your souls to shine forth in all its beauty and wonderment.

You have been called, my beloveds, and you have been called more than once. Heed my call. Be my disciples in this world and you will find a journey which you cannot truly imagine in all its beauty and grace and power and Love. For God will guide every step, and touch you with every breath, and be with you with every thought and deed and action. This is how you were meant to be, my beloveds. Release your cloak of pain, of fear, of reticence and doubt and walk boldly into the Light truly exercising the faith that lives within your souls, and walking forward bravely, resolutely yet with gentleness and humility.

We do not expect perfection but we yearn for that which is within you, that great potential, that great beauty, may be expressed in this world as fully as can be, knowing that God truly, truly loves you and wants the highest and best, the most beautiful and the most glorious life for you, for each of you.

I am your brother and I am your friend and I love you. You are truly my brethren upon this world and I am with you. I am with you in your struggles. I am with you in your joys. I am with you with each day you live. My prayers go to our Heavenly Father for your benefit as do many angels pray for you, my beloveds. For in you lies the possibility of hope for your world. For in you is the Truth, and in you the Truth must be known. And do you realize how truly precious you are, how many angels pray for you, how many in spirit watch you, and how many in this world long to have what you have, to see as you see, to love as you love? And yes many of you feel inadequate, you are not up to this task, but I tell you once you are truly aligned with your souls you will know that indeed you have all that you require to walk this Path in this powerful way, to speak the Truth in truthful ways, to be Love in truly loving ways.
Seek your souls, my beautiful souls. Seek your Love, seek your God who loves you and loves you uniquely and loves you for your uniqueness as do we who surround you. Beloveds, join us in these days of prayer seeking deeper Truth, greater Love, and greater understanding. And as you seek and are open, as you pray together and speak together much will be revealed and given willingly without restriction. God’s abundance is great and is for all who seek. Seek this, my beloveds, seek God’s abundance and it shall be given. God bless you. God bless you.