Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: April 19, 2016
God bless you, it is your teacher Augustine.
We have accomplished much in these short weeks. We have accomplished much. And we have brought teaching and healing. We have strengthened the bonds of love amongst you. We have brought greater Light into this world through you, my beloveds. Much has been accomplished and we will bring you together again to strengthen these efforts to bring Love and Truth into this world. You will be summoned. It will be in harmony with your lives. Doors will be opened, Love will be given, and Grace for all. Remember the words we have spoken to you, beloveds. Contemplate these words, these teachings, for hidden within each lesson is a great door to growing your souls and making yourselves a clearer channel of Love in the world.
Embrace Truth, beloveds. With each day you walk in this world, embrace Truth. For you walk ever closer to this Truth, to this Light, to expressing God’s Will in this world through you. Be patient with yourselves. Be loving towards yourselves and know that these transitions are not instantaneous. You must work towards them, apply yourselves and be in the Love always. For it is the Divine Love that will facilitate all that you do and the growth that you make within. It accelerates these things. It helps you, strengthens you so that you may make the choices that are necessary to be fully in the flow of God’s Love and Will. Yes, we ask of you a great deal but indeed the world needs strong and loving channels to make deep changes in this world. Each of you has this potential. Each of you can be, and is, an agent for change. We must grow the Light in this world. We must give the simple Truths that will facilitate the change in the minds of mankind.
Beloved souls, remember, you carry a great treasure. Do not hold this wealth to yourselves but share, share in love, share in humility, share and be joyful in your giving and you will be mightily blessed as the Love flows and flows through you and the Light grows and grows within you, and you truly become a redeemed child of the Father.
God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you and keep you in His Care and Light and Love all the days of your life. We will be with you on your journey, beloved soul, and we will be with all of you as you continue in your prayers, your struggles and your service. God bless you. I am your teacher Augustine and I am well pleased with our efforts. God bless you.