SPIRIT: Jesus (Guidance)
DATE: January 14, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
… children, your soul’s created unique, precious and beautiful. As they walk upon this earthly plane, may they come to understand truth, in purity, grace and light and be your instruments upon the Earth.
I come. I am Jesus, your brother and friend. I come to speak to you about your destinies. Indeed, each of you were born with a purpose, a destiny to be fulfilled. Each soul is born upon this world with a purpose and destiny, but so very few listen or know what that is in their lives. Yet you, my beloveds, have come to understand. You feel the pull of your soul toward that destiny. Indeed, you have trouble having clarity because your mind interferes and has its ideas of what that destiny is. Yet, you continue to come to your soul, to be with your soul in prayer, to be with your soul with God.
That will, in time, disperse the fog of uncertainty and bring the clarity of soul awareness. You continue to follow the journey that God has set before you. Though you waver from the path at times, you continue to set your feet firmly upon it and move forward with faith. My beloved and beautiful friends, there is so much work to do. It is a mountain of work, so much needed in your world, so few willing. Yet, as you continue to step forward in faith and walk in the grace of God, God will guide you and ensure that you are utilized as His servants in beautiful, powerful and gracious ways.
As the Love of God grows within you, as you come to understand the power of that Love, the beauty of that Love, all that that Love entails, so you will find yourself more resolutely upon the trail, the guided path that God has given to you, each individual. Yet, collectively, you share a purpose, a desire to serve God and to serve humanity, to bring the Truth of Love forward and to walk in the light.
God has brought you together. God ensures that you have what you require to find your way. God brings those to you who will support and love you. God continues to guide your soul and your soul, in its way, understands and is obedient to that guidance. As you continue to grow in the Father’s Love, as your soul expands in all the glory of this Love, there will be less doubt and greater faith and understanding. These are the laws in action. Each day will bring to you a gift, a blessing and a challenge. It is for you to come to understand your purpose for that day, the blessing for that day and the test that comes with that day. As you continue to grow in the Father’s Love, the tests become easier, the purpose becomes stronger and the knowledge deeper.
My beloveds, you are my disciples. You walk with me and I walk with you. I wish to walk upon this path of service together. I will not forsake you. I will continue to strengthen our rapport, our bond together. We will serve together those who are lost, those who are seeking and those who are in need. It is in these places of need and in darkness that the Love of God must penetrate and you, as His servant, must be that channel to bring the light forward, to disperse the darkness, to comfort those who are in pain, to bring peace to those who are in sorrow, to bring truth to those who are seeking and to show all the way to love, to be loved, to know love and to express love.
Are you prepared, my beloveds? Can you truly walk this path? It is demanding, I know, and difficult. But, in your heart of hearts, in your souls, you know that this is the path you must take. This is the way you must go, for God has guided you thus far and God will continue to guide you forward. Do not forsake your own soul and its knowings and desires to be upon this path that God has designated for you.
Awaken, my friends, awaken more fully to the truth. Awaken more fully to the gifts that you possess and your abilities to know God, to know me and to know your angel friends. For we are eager to be known. God wants you to know Him fully, intimately and to know the power of His Love, His graciousness washing over you like a balm to heal the hurts, to cleanse the soul and to bring you into greater alignment with Him. It comes with every breath, every prayer, every desire, every effort that you make that is in alignment with the Laws of Love and the Will of God.
I come to you, my brethren, to encourage you upon the path and to help awaken you as you find your way and know your destiny. My beloveds, know my love for you. I love you so. I am truly your brother. Each of you is precious to my heart and my prayers are great for each of you. I designate many angels to pray for each of you, for you carry the torch of truth and the hope for humanity. In this way, you are precious to me. You are precious to God and the angels. Indeed, every step you make toward greater light, we send our Hosannas to God in gratitude. Every time you release a burden, we feel a sense of relief and joy for your efforts. Every time you come more clearly into the truth, we are assured that our work continues. Every time you receive the blessing of God’s Love, you affirm this Truth to the universe and you walk the highest Truth of all.
I love you, my beloveds. I am with you. If you wish for me to be close, then ask for it. If you wish to truly be in the Light and Truth of God, then pray for it. If you wish to be free of your burdens, then be strong, look and ask for the blessing of healing that comes with the Father’s Love. Be strong and steadfast. Be clear and truthful. Be that light, that channel of love, that God so wishes for you to be. Your life will be truly blessed. No matter the conditions surrounding you, you will know a peace and a joy that wells up from your soul and brings to you a release from the burdens and the concerns of your earthly life.
May you be blessed, my beloved souls. May you be blessed deeply, powerfully and be free in the Light of God. That joy bursting forth from you into the world, a blessing, a powerful blessing for all those around you and for this world itself. For with joy, the darkness is dispersed. With joy, we are able to come close. With joy, you are free from your burdens. God bless you, my beloveds. I am Jesus, Master of the Celestial Kingdom and your brother and friend always, close always, never to leave. For our love is strong and the bond is unbreakable. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.