You Must be Clear in Your Desires

SPIRIT: Aaron (Guidance)
DATE: March 04, 2025

God bless you, beloved children of Earth, children of God. I am Aaron. I come to help support and to reinforce your understanding of soul and your awareness of God, that indeed the blessings of God’s Essence is your strength and foundation. No matter what may come of your world, you are of this light, this strength and transformative blessing that is given because God loves us all.

Humanity may continue to cause strife and difficulties. Humanity may continue to wander in the desert of indecision, ignorance and darkness, just as I wandered with my fellow compatriots in that time on the earthly plane, feeling lost. Yet, in those conditions, we found strength. We found one another. We found faith in God. As you continue in your wanderings, your brothers and sisters continue to wander without any sure knowledge of where they are going. You must be the strength and the light. You must bring the truth and express the truth in your life.

These conditions can only but worsen, my beloved and beautiful friends. You are being challenged greatly as the ignorance and unloving conditions of humanity have their effects upon all of you. Are you to succumb in fear, anxiety and wondering as to what is coming? What will be next in the litany of challenges and disruptions? We have told you over many years that these things are coming and they shall manifest in your lifetime. These things should not come as a surprise.

What is important at this time is an increase in faith, an increase in your desire for God and an increase in your understanding of your own soul and what your soul desires out of life. When you can do this and do it daily, in prayer, in your contemplations and ruminations of life, to put the priority clearly, straightforwardly, that you are a child of God and that you shall follow the Will of God. If you can do this and ever seek the blessing of the Father’s Love to awaken your soul and to find that strength in awakening, that wisdom in awakening, that peace and understanding that comes with awakening, then you will be able to surmount any difficulties, anything that is placed before you of the material sense and condition.

You must be clear in your desires, setting forth your course toward that which is in harmony with the Laws of Love, the Laws of Creation and that which is in alignment with your Creator. When you can do this and be this, expressing these things in everything you do, every breath you take, every thought that you have, that these things are predicated upon love, the underpinnings of the truth that have been taught to you and given to you freely, then what can harm you? What will impede upon your peace of mind, upon the joy of your soul and upon the expression of your being in the world?

Nothing, my beloved friends. Nothing will be able to bring you down into that darkness and misery that is so common amongst humanity. Rather, you will continue to be the light. You will continue to bring the truth. You will continue to live the life that is of love. All of your efforts, all of your prayers, all of the years you have dedicated to God, they bring meaning. They bring purpose, power and strength to your being. You will benefit from your efforts, from your faith and from the blessings of God.

Keep this in mind, my beloved souls, children of God. For the world will challenge you. The world has always challenged humanity, because humanity continues upon a course that is contrary to the Laws of Creation and the Laws of Love. The consequences are evident. Each who does not acknowledge God in the ways of love, harmony and peace will reap the whirlwind of the consequences that come from disillusionment, anger, judgement and fear.

You are not of this ilk, my beloved and beautiful brothers and sisters. You are of the ilk that is in light, that knows the power of love and the consequences of prayer to bring blessings, harmony and peace to each one of you, even though those all around you may feel differently and may judge you as not being aware and in sync with the conditions of this world of yours, thinking that you lack dedication and sensitivity to these issues and conditions.

Yet, indeed, you have a choice. Will you feed the fires of discontent, or will you walk in a world in peace? Did our beloved brother Jesus foment discontent, even though many in his followings wished him to do so, to chase out the Romans from that land and to be a leader of might and power, imposing his authority on his people? He did not choose this, nor would he have, in any circumstance, chosen this approach. Rather, he chose to be with God, to know God’s Will and to follow that Will, even to the point where he was captured and murdered.

Are you that strong, beloved souls, to not entertain the scurrilous thoughts of men, to not join them in insurrection and anger, seeking power to control and to change the world in the image of man? No, each of you has the possibility and the opportunity to be God’s instruments, to be that instrument of change, in harmony with God’s Laws of Love, in harmony with God’s plan to recalibrate and to save humanity from its own terrible weaknesses and inclinations. You must bring forth to all who will listen the power of love to uphold, to transform and to bring the wisdom required to truly bring harmony to your world, to truly change this world into that which it is meant to be, that which God created it to be.

It is for you, my beloved and beautiful friends, to act in accordance with the Will of God, to join forces with us, your Celestial friends, angels of Heaven, to be that agent of change, to speak of change in loving terms, not in angry terms, to be truly God’s instruments, to be those loving agents that bring comfort and peace rather than pain and disruption.

I speak in these rather severe terms, because as conditions worsen, each of you will be challenged to ask that question to yourself. What road will I take? What thoughts will I have? What judgements will I make? It is for you, beloved souls, to be firm in your awareness, your actions and your thoughts, to be aware and cognisant of those parts of yourself that will trip you up, that will react and that will be angry.

Be a loving channel for God. Be at peace, beloved friends. Know that in the end, God’s Will will be done, that indeed, harmony will prevail and peace will come to the Earth. This I foretell and it has been foretold by many. We in the Celestial Kingdom are more aware of future events and what may come than you are, beloved souls. We have faith in the future. We have faith in God’s Will and plan. We encourage you to also carry the faith, the torch of truth, into the world.

I am Aaron. I come in love. I come to uphold. I come to inspire. I come in peace. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you in His Love.

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