Spirit: James
Medium: Al Fike
Date: May 21, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC
Beloved and beautiful souls, I am James the Apostle. I greet each one of you, beloved and beautiful children of God, and I say to you that you are loved, that you have found the source of all love, that you indeed are receiving at this very moment the blessing of God’s Love. As you wade into this river of Love, allow yourselves to be carried by its currents. Allow God to bring you to that place of deep peace, deep Love, and great joy. There is no greater blessing than this, beloved souls. There is no more wondrous journey than that of awakening your souls in relationship with your Creator, to be close to God, to be embraced by God, and to open yourselves fully to the blessings that God has to give to you.
We in the Celestial Kingdom will uplift you, beloveds. We will be with you. We will help to carry you along in this journey of soul awakening. Seek for this blessing, beloveds. Open yourselves to the great inflowing of God’s Love and all else will come to you. In God’s time, in God’s Grace, you will be blessed.
Beloved souls, know that you are with God at this moment, that God has gathered you despite the miles and distance, you are together. In this great light, you are upheld. In this beautiful journey, you are brothers and sisters. You will not be released, beloveds, but carried and held close to the bosom of God. Know that you are loved and that we are with you, that God continues to bless you and awaken you to all the Truth, all the wonderment of His Creation and Being.
For this blessing of Love opens all doors, awakens all possibilities, carries you upon a journey so wondrous and rich in blessings, that you will know a great joy in your heart and a true awareness in your soul of all that is of God and all that is blessed by God. God bless you. I am your brother James. I continue to work to bring the Truth of God’s Love to humanity. You are my brothers and sisters in this regard and I feel great love for you all. God bless you, beloveds, God bless you.