You Are Ready to Step Forward

Spirit: Seretta Kem
Medium: Al Fike
Date: September 1, 2018
Location: Gibsons, BC

I am Seretta Kem. There is a change coming to your circles, a deep change, for gifts are being developed that will garner more attention to you and work that is coming that will draw you out into the world. You must prepare yourselves, beloved souls, within your souls. Have a deep connection with God, a connection that is strong and clear with each day of your life, a commitment to serving your Heavenly Father in a way that may reach wide, out into the world to the many souls who are waiting, to the many opportunities that God is going to place before you. Each of you will have a role to play, opportunities are coming, doors are opening, possibilities are being realized. For as change comes to this world so your responsibilities will deepen. We come to you in these ways to gather you together in Circles of Light, to prepare you, to awaken you, to educate you that you may walk with a clarity and wisdom and light and love that will touch many souls, will be used by God in many ways.

God has a plan, beloveds, and with the knowings of your soul you realize that God desires that you are a part of this plan, that you will be called upon to be strong and steadfast, clear and dedicated to this work. God has much work for you, beloveds. He has tested you. He has sent His angels to prepare you. He has infused His Love into your souls as much as you are able to receive it. Though progression is eternal and relevant to each day of your life, you are ready to step forward. Your souls are eager. You must come into greater alignment between your mind and your soul so that when you walk this road of great responsibility and effort and openness to the world. You are able to be strong with your feet firmly planted upon the ground and your soul connected with Heaven and God. This is a special form of strength. A strength that comes with the opening of your soul, with the blessing of God’s Divine Love. For great wisdom comes with this opening, a clarity of understanding and knowing your Creator, knowing His Will that will compel you in your efforts, draw you in many ways to many circumstances and souls in the world. With this strength and light, with the awakening of your soul, the love that you emanate, the peace that accompanies you, many will be touched. Many seek the wisdom and truth that you have to give but you must stand straight and clear, loving and yet steadfast, for you will be challenged. Each teacher that comes to this world, to confront the error, is challenged by the darkness and you must not succumb to the powerful influences of the dark. As long as you are with God and walk in faith, no matter what the circumstances, you will be protected and God will use you in wondrous ways to awaken the sleeping souls in your world.

You must continue to pray and redouble your efforts to walk in light, to listen to all of these teachings and all of the wisdom that has been given to you, to bring it into your heart and truly live in love. Know that love is truly the answer to all the dilemmas of this world. To truly love yourselves and recognize the gifts that God has given you, to be a clear channel of love, to have deep compassion for your brothers and sisters, to be in the world but not of the world, to seek the awareness of your soul above all else and trust in this, trust in the awakening of your soul and walk in the grace and light of God’s Touch upon you.

You are needed, beloveds, deeply needed. Though you have many concerns and cares in your life and for those who need you, you will find your way to serve in powerful ways to be that channel of light, light and purpose, which God has designated in this unique journey that is your soul and your being. For many of you, we have spent many years preparing you, preparing you for a time to come that is now very close. You must change your perspectives from that of walking upon this earth with one eye upon the material condition and one eye on God. Instead, you must turn your gaze to your Heavenly Father as much as you are able, in prayerful supplication, in openness so that God may pour within you those blessings, inspirations and revelations that He wishes to give to each one of you. You will see in your own way. You will receive in your own way and yet you will all be united in a sense and commitment to what is needed. In this way you will work together in love. You will see clearly your role. You will enact this role in love and joy for this is what is truly meant for you. You will not envy another because they have a role to play that may be more overt. Instead, as one steps forward, you all will feel a sense of progression and movement towards light. This is how God will work with you all, using each of your gifts in appropriate ways, effective ways, powerful ways that will garner the attention of mankind and stir within them a desire for those higher things that awaken the soul.

God will not wave His Hand and all will be right with the world. This is not how Creation evolves. But the corner will be turned from darkness to light and you will all be involved in this infusion of truth and light that will inspire your brothers and sisters. Though in your mind’s eye you may fantasize and consider these possibilities, know that these things are not reality. What is coming you cannot anticipate and must progress and step forward day by day in deep faith and trust in God’s plan. In this way, what is meant to come and be manifest in this work will do so. Though what begins as something small and humble will grow as you persist and work to bring the truth to mankind in a guided way.

You have great light in your souls beloveds, and that light is bursting in great anticipation and desire to infuse your entire being and your entire life and this will be so in the coming days, weeks and months. You will see. Your soul begins to awaken. The truth begins to take hold in powerful ways in your being and you feel the difference, do you not? You feel the fires being stoked within your soul, this awakening changing and transforming everything within you. This is the power of Love, God’s Essence. You are on the verge of great transformation, not only personally but in this world. You will know a great joy as God’s plan unfolds and you awaken to a new dawn, the Dawn of Love.

May you continue to allow God to ignite the awakening of your soul. May you yearn for this. May you pray fervently and may you trust in the deep Touch and Holy Communion that comes with your relationship with God. In this everything is possible. In this comes the fulfillment of your purpose. In this comes a fulfillment of the awakening of mankind. You must teach these truths and be an example and allow God’s Will to manifest fully in your life. Then all your dreams, all that bubbles forth in your souls, these deep desires will become a reality and the world will begin to change for the better and you will be a part of it, with deep soul satisfaction and joy.

May God bless you deeply beloved brothers and sisters with His great and holy Love so that you may indeed find your way along this trail towards at-onement, towards light, towards the healing of your world and the healing of your inner soul. I am Seretta Kem and I walk with you upon this trail of discovery. God bless you. I love you. God bless you.