SPIRIT: Augustine (Guidance)
DATE: February 27, 2025
I too come to acknowledge your efforts. I too come to love you and to honour you. For without your efforts on the earthly plane, who will take up the torch? Who will carry the banner? Who will make those claims and statements of truth for others to hear?
You are the foundation to a new beginning, an uprising of truth, an awareness that grows and touches the soul. For many souls are stirring, my beloved and beautiful students. Many are seeking. You must be there to answer their needs, their questions and their yearnings. You must be there to hold up the torch of truth, to bring the words, to bring the love and light that will touch the beleaguered souls of humanity, seeking and knowing not what they seek for.
Be strong in your efforts. Be forthright. Be true to God’s Will. In this, you will find your place and that place is exalted in love and light. Though it may be humble in its appearance, in truth, you are God’s instruments, angels on Earth, doing the work of the Creator, doing the work that is required and bringing the truth that is necessary.
Be strong, my beloveds, no matter the conditions, no matter the distractions and no matter the efforts put forth to derail you from your efforts. Be strong, forthright, dedicated and filled with faith. In this way, you cannot fail and you will succeed in bringing this truth to many.
May you be blessed, beloved souls, in all the spiritual blessings that may be had and all the soulful awakenings that will come as you receive the great Love of God into your soul, drawing to you all that God has to give, the cornucopia of blessings that flows from our beloved Creator. You are loved greatly, blessed deeply and shall continue upon this path of endless progression for eternity.
God bless you. Your teacher, Augustine, loves you and is with you, here to help you be strong, here to help you be clear, here to help you in your times of need and in your times of prayer. My love is with you always, my friends, my beautiful students of truth. We will conclude our time in prayer. God bless you. God bless you.
2025-02-27-AF-Augustine (G)