Welcomes First In-Person Prayer in Barbados

SPIRIT:                         James
MEDIUM:                     Al Fike
DATE:                           January 10, 2025
LOCATION:                 St Michael, Barbados

May the peace that passes all understanding be yours, my beloveds. I am James, the brother of Jesus. I come to you today to welcome you into this circle that will grow, the light that shall grow. The power of God’s Hand upon each one of you will be mighty indeed. As you seek the truth, as your souls long for the Truth of God’s Love, so you will find an answer to your longing, a blessing to your prayers. In your conversations and times together will come a harmony, an understanding together that indeed it is not the mind that shall procure the truth in all its details that are so desired by mindful efforts. Rather, it is your soul that will know the truth, feel it, experience it for what it is, something the mind can never do, something the soul is blessed with, perception and gifts that allow this to happen.

So, I ask you, my beloved brethren, allow your souls to open wide and be in the grace of God. Let your mind’s speculations drift away like clouds in the sky as the warmth of the sun dissipates them. The warmth of God’s Love shall dissipate your concerns and queries and bring contentment and peace. Is this not what you truly seek, my brothers and sisters? Contentment and peace, to be in the grace of God and to know in that grace, all answers, all blessings will come and you will find yourself elevated into conditions, into Light that is of God.

This path is a simple path. It does not require straining and stretching that is of the mind and the emotions of the mind finding its mark with God. Rather, as you receive this great gift of Love, so the impediments will fall, so all that is of error shall fall in time. Have patience with yourself, my brothers and sisters. Have patience with your heart. Be at peace and know that God is with us at this moment, that many angels come to minister to each one of you. If you had an inkling of the efforts of Heaven to bring truth to humanity, then you would truly be humbled in this perception.

We work diligently with you, vulnerable and delicate souls, who are easily distracted but have a great power, the power of free will. So, we must come to you in love and humility and face the formidable task of helping you on the way, beyond the errors of the mind and this world to the purity and beauty of the Love of God. It is formidable indeed and we must be delicate in our work, patient, consistent and humble. For with love, the error will be conquered. As we embrace you in love, as God embraces you in His Love, so the truth will be made bare to your conscious self and the truth will be the dominant understanding that comes from a soul awakening to God.

Each of you have your challenges. Each of you continue to struggle in your own ways. But you will find yourself strengthened, awakened and receiving greater joy within you as you come closer to the truth. May this be the marker along the way, that you will feel greater joy and release those conditions that are not of joy. That you will have assurance within you that indicates that the truth is found. That your faith will grow in leaps and bounds and your light will brighten with every breath, every prayer. That as God’s Love continues to infill your soul, so these things shall be. You shall be awakened, my brethren, awakened in truth, awakened in Love and have the peace that passes all understanding.

God bless you, my beloved friends. I am James. I come to you to assure you that as you travel the path of truth and seek the Essence that reveals the truth, then all shall come to pass in accordance to your true soul’s desires, in accordance to God’s desire that you find that which is of light, that which shall uplift and uphold, that that will bring peace and joy. It comes in dribs and drabs, bits and pieces, drop by drop, but the steady stream is yours, beloveds, and will be yours for all eternity. That stream shall turn into a river, into an ocean and you will float within the ecstasy of love.
God bless you, beloveds. My love is with you. Many gather around and shall do so for the duration of your continued prayers and efforts together. God bless you. I am James. God bless you.