SPIRIT: Shelayis (Teaching)
DATE: January 13, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
May the grace of the Father’s Love be with you, my beloved friends. My name is Shelayis. You do not know of me, but I know of you. I feel very close to you. I come from long ago. I have been an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom for a very long time. I know of the transformation of the soul that comes with the blessings of God’s Love. The beauty and grace of this are beyond comparison to any other path or any other way.
I wish to speak to you about the archangels, since you are discussing this topic. God has indeed created a hierarchy of helpers, guides and bright spirits so that humanity has at its disposal much help, guidance and upliftment, channels of His Love and his blessings for all of you. Indeed, there are many millions of Celestial Angels in the Celestial Kingdom. God can call upon these Angels at any time to bring blessings to humanity. They do the work of God in harmony and alignment with God’s Will and God’s plan. You are all the beneficiaries of this great hierarchy of blessings and of spirits.
So, you are not lacking in those who might help you, who might uplift you and who might guide you. In fact, it would be desirable that many more would seek the help of the angels and seek for the highest blessings, for the ratio of angels to those who are true seekers is great. The seekers are few, which saddens us all, because we wish that humanity would avail themselves of all that is available to them, all that can be given and all that is of light that awaits them.
Considering this proportion of angels to mortals, why would God need archangels to fulfil these tasks? It is not required. God’s archangels are busy with tasks that are in alignment with their creation and their abilities. They do so in love and willingness. Indeed, the fulfilment of their hearts comes with service in the way that they can serve. Many think that they are availing themselves of the blessings of archangels. They have in their minds that these are the highest angels and, therefore, they may have the greatest of blessings. That, indeed, the blessings that might come to them may come from the highest of angels. These angels are Celestial and they work diligently to bless many.
Archangels have no true purpose with humanity other than to bring guidance about aspects and elements of the universe that are in flux and change. The archangels may inform humanity of what is happening in the universe. At times, they come to give and bless humanity with this information, but it is not their usual task. For the wisdom that they carry and the powers that they have are immense. What they are able to accomplish as God’s channels and instruments has a great impact, not just with the individual but with universal forces, celestial forces, that of your planets and solar system.
These are the ways that the angels of God operate. God gives those personal aspects of ministering to humanity to those who have once lived in a human body and have progressed beyond that into the Celestial Kingdom. They have the greatest of understanding, the greatest of perceptions and compassion for humanity, so they are best suited to be humanity’s servants and God’s angels to bless, to uplift and to uphold.
So, my friends, there is no need to call upon an archangel, for they will not hear your call nor will they heed your desire. They are not even on that, what you would call, “wavelength” of communication. They are busy in their own way and reality and do not heed the calls of humanity in their ideas. Even when the mind is so fixed upon them, it is a wasted effort.Though, when you call on the Celestial angels to be with you, to help you and to uphold you, when you seek the great Love of God, when you are in close alignment with God, then the blessings of the angels come. They are present with you and they are eager and willing to help you. Put your focus upon those who can truly bring a blessing to you, my beloved friends, and leave the archangels to their work. Ask, accept and embrace your angel friends and their work, which is to uphold humanity and to bring all of humanity, whether in the material plane or the spirit worlds, to a higher place. For the Law of God is progression and they are there to heed God’s call to help humanity to progress.
The Law of Love is indeed an important factor. When you pray for God’s Love and receive it and it is shining bright within you, then you have the capacity to call the highest angels to you. The Law of Rapport works in this regard, along with the Law of Love. Seek out that which you know, my beloved friends. Abide by the laws that are there. Use them to your advantage. For a man who has wisdom and knowledge and understands the workings of the soul and the workings of God in relationship to the soul will indeed progress quickly and will have at his disposal many angels and will receive greatly many blessings.
What more does an individual need than this? It is given freely. God does not pick and choose. God gives to all. So, I urge you, my beloved friends, to be in the grace of God, to know His grace, to focus upon it, to desire His Love and to be in the light. You will know great blessings, beloved souls. There is no need for higher angels to intervene, for you have the highest. You are blessed by the most gracious, most beautiful angels of God.
God bless you, my friends. I am Shelayis. I love you. I will come again and speak for I enjoy this opportunity to speak of the Truths of God and to be with mortals who are seeking, who are lights, who are beautiful. What a blessing it is for me to be with you and I shall continue. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.