SPIRIT: Orion (Teaching)
DATE: December 21, 2024
Blessings to you, my friends. I am Orion. Seeking out truth can be a difficult task for you on Earth. You are so used to using your material minds and your intellect that this is the way in which seeking is done. This is the language in which truth is understood. You are often upon a path that leads to linear understanding and deduction that satisfies the mind and the brain, taking in information, gathering that information and putting it together into a story that makes sense to your mind and has the veracity of logic that brings to you a sense of credibility for the information.
Indeed, when dealing with material things, this is an important step and process to understand the world. Yet, the world is in the process of transforming into something that is not of the material sense as it is today. We are urging you to use other faculties, other abilities, to ascertain truth. This is challenging for each one of you. It is not easy for anyone on this Earth to find truth that is often contrary to mental processes and approaches. Yet, accompanying truth is love, that sense of love, that feeling of love and that expansion of love within your souls. Indeed, the signal that often comes when you have experienced and perceived truth in other ways is the feeling of love.
For Love is God’s signal. The Divine Love, being the Essence of God, is also the medium of communication between your soul and God’s Soul. It is what awakens and illuminates the capacity of the soul to understand truth. Often, you find inner conflict, because that truth that you have found with soul faculties, feelings and love might contradict the truth that you have found through reasoning and mindful deductions. The intellectual often says that emotions have no purpose or ability in the pursuit of truth, that emotions only get in the way. But, what if those emotions are of love and joy? What if those emotions bring a sense of affirmation to what truth is?
In this case, the intellectuals are lost. They do not wish to engage their full selves in the pursuit of truth, merely to be locked within their mindful reasoning and intellectual understanding and to be satisfied in it. Indeed, that satisfaction is a very dry thing, that they have conquered error with truth. They have proven truth in the material sense. Indeed, there is room for this. It is not that this way toward truth is irrelevant. I might suggest, however, that this way toward truth is often contrary to the way in which we are teaching. When the mind is not so engaged and distracted toward those other faculties that engage or define truth, then the way is clear. Often, with that clarity, comes deep and intense understanding.
The soul has far greater ways to know truth than the mind. The soul is gifted in many ways that you here have very little understanding of. You are still trusting the mind as your primary mode of knowing truth and navigating the world. This is understandable, since most of your life has been spent in this mode of interaction with the world. Yet, we urge you on, to seek out something that is so very different, something that is often in your minds, a scary process, bringing a sense of anxiety, where you are distrusting this newfound way.
You venture forth, you dip your toes in the water, so to speak, and then you retract into the comforting place of the mind. But, you try again and again. You venture forth again and again. In time, you will become used to this reality of the soul. You will find the wonders within, the pleasures that it brings, the emotions that become deep and intense, the sense of joy and love that will envelop you and assure you on this journey of discovering truth. God has made these avenues available to every soul, for it is the soul that God has put into your bodies, into your beings, in order that you may come to understand the Divine, to understand God, to understand God’s creations and to understand the true depth and meaning of the universe.
These things will never be understood by the mind to adequately escort you upon the journey of truth. Indeed, as you release that grip that the mind has upon your consciousness and allow it to drift into soul, that innocence that is required, that faith and trust that is required, that prayerful meditative state that is needed to calm the outside world and the inner world to the point where receptivity is attained, then you will know the avenues of truth that are awaiting you. You will travel down these passageways and be wondrous of the journey with joy, appreciation and desire for more. This is the journey of the soul. The journey of the soul is to ascertain truth, to feel truth and to obtain the Essence of Truth from the great Creator of Truth, which is God. Through love, truth will come. Through truth, understanding awakens. Through truth, the faculties of the soul are understood and come alive.
So much is given in terms of potential to know and receive truth. Yet, you still tarry upon the path that mixes the mindful understanding of truth with the soul’s knowing of truth. It is somewhat muddied waters, my beautiful friends. As the Divine Love continues to enter your soul, it is the cleansing agent. It extracts the particles of error and brings the clarity of truth.
This is yours for the asking, my beautiful friends. Ask away and rather than make an exerted effort toward truth within the mind, sit back and allow the truth to enter into your consciousness, a flow, a washing into you that comes with the Father’s Love. This is the way of the future. This is the way humanity must take in order to truly come into harmony with creation. All is there within every soul to experience this and to navigate it. It requires that ingredient of Love, the Love of the Creator. But, indeed, as you seek this ingredient and ask for it to enter into you, then the process has begun and the journey toward the magnificence, the amazement, the overwhelming joy and knowing of truth shall begin.
God bless you, my beloved friends. I am Orion. My love is with you. I want you to know what I know, experience what I experience and experience what many in the universe experience. Together, we unite as humanity in God’s universe and so we shall, my friends. In time, so we shall. God bless you, beloved friends. God bless you.