Spirit: Andrew
Medium: Al Fike
Date: February 3, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC
God bless you, it is Andrew. Beloved friends, beautiful souls, may God bless your soul with a great inflowing of His Love. May your soul yearn ever more intensively for this gift. May you come to know your own souls as true and powerful expressions of your being. For it is in this opening of soul awareness that you truly grow spiritually, that awakenings and understandings of the laws and creation that God has created comes to your consciousness and you are guided along a Path of Light, secured in Love, awakened in the ever increasing joy that comes with a soul that is healed and awakened in Love.
Each of you have particular gifts within you that are yearning to be awakened, to come to life, so that your lives are enhanced with the Light of God’s blessings of Love and that your lives are propelled forward in service to touch many others as God’s channels of Love. May you come to this understanding, my beloved brothers and sisters, to truly know yourselves, to truly awaken, to truly serve God in Love, and serve your brothers and sisters in Light so that this world of yours that is in anguish and pain and confusion and is very much asleep to Truth and may be awakened and healed and brought to greater Light.
This is the goal, my beloved brothers and sisters, of all creation to continue to awaken in Light, to grow in Love, to come to that place of harmony. You have chosen to walk upon that road. You have come to know a Truth, a Truth of God’s Love. You will find your way to greater Truth and greater Love as you continue to pray for this gift and to step forward in Light, to express the Truths that you know in your lives, in every way, in every aspect of your life. In this desire to express Light and Truth and Love, you will be guided, protected, and blessed. For as you increase the momentum of Love within your life, the energies and powers of Love, so many blessings come to you. Many gifts are bestowed upon you. Many awakenings happen within you. In this great journey, there is much that God wishes for you to do as he has bestowed upon each soul a purpose, a certain direction, a certain set of actions and expressions in your life that is divinely blessed. In fulfilling your purpose, beloved souls, you will find great joy and fulfillment.
Each of you is yearning within your souls to know your true selves and your true purpose. This comes with the awakening of your souls. It comes with your desire to know and to express these things. It does not come as a revelation, but comes with the slow awakening and expression of your soul within your lives until you find yourself walking upon a path that is truly in harmony with God’s Will and truly expresses your gifts.
My beloveds, with humility and patience, with a desire to reach for the highest and to reach for God in the blessings of His Love. These beautiful possibilities within your soul will be expressed and come to the fore and you will know your true selves, you will express your true gifts, and you will be upon that road of expressing your purpose that God has bestowed upon you.
There is much to come for each of you, beloveds, many awakenings, many experiences, many blessings and great Love. Continue to pray and be open to what God has to give you and in this, all will unfold in God’s perfect harmony and timing. Each of you has an angel that is guiding you and protecting you. Indeed, you are assured to walk in Light as long as you continue to walk in Truth. Many blessings will come in this.
God bless you, beloved souls. I am Andrew and my love is with you. Many angels pray for your continued awakening and growth in Love and it shall be as God desires for each and every one of you to know this great gift in all its beauty and intricacies and blessings. God bless you. I am Andrew. God bless you.