Prayers to be Used in Service Provide Opportunities for Growth and Learning

SPIRIT:             Bartholomew
MEDIUM:        Al Fike
DATE:               February 05, 2025
LOCATION:     Christ Church, Barbados

May the blessings of the Heavenly Father touch you deeply, beloved souls. I am Bartholomew. Thank you, dear daughter, for your prayer and your intentions to be an instrument of light, a channel of love for God. This is a very important desire and perspective. Keep praying for this, beloved souls. Keep praying for God to open the doors and to bring through the opportunities for you to serve. For every time you serve another, every time you step forward in this way, you are not only blessed by God, you are given an opportunity to learn and to grow. Indeed, with each encounter, your gifts are reinforced and opened a little further.

In God’s universe, everyone is blessed. The blessings go out. They go out as far as they might reach into the universe. Thus, each one who is dedicated, dedicates themselves to service to God and does so with the foundation of Divine Love firmly established in their souls, becomes a formidable force for good. Do not hide your light. Do not restrict your gifts. Do not use your mind to judge and to withhold, but be that innocent child of God. Be that servant of God.
Indeed, to be a servant of God is to listen to God’s Will and to be obedient to God’s Will. We in the Celestial Kingdom are all servants of God. We listen to our guidance. We follow that guidance. We do so to the exactitude of what that guidance is. You on Earth are not so fortunate to have the insight and the ability to know God’s guidance to that degree. You are still growing and developing. You are still caught between the mind and the soul and the interpretations that come from this relationship.

We are all soul. Our minds have long been absorbed by our souls. Thus, our ability to hear, to see, to feel and to perceive is far greater than yours. This is why we are with you, to help you, to help clarify, to help motivate, to help inspire, to help you pray, to help you with everything to do with the spiritual life and spiritual service. We are glad to do so, for our love for you is great and our love for God is greater. Thus, the conduit of love between ourselves and God and ourselves and you, makes for very formidable and beneficial blessings for you.

I wish to reinforce the idea of service, of serving humanity and to not turn anyone away. Do not judge or withhold, for God does not judge or withhold. God gives, God gives and God gives. Yet, God is not depleted by this. What He gives to you or any soul is hardly a fraction, such a minute amount of what God is and what God can generate, that it is hardly worth recognising. There is no need to feel that you have obligated God in any way, for what is given is abundant and shall be so for all eternity. There is no need to restrict and no need to feel guilt. There is no need to judge this situation with the parameters of the earthly perspective, for there is nothing earthly about God and what God does for you. This is all of the soul and the soul truly is not of Earth. The soul is of God.

So, you need not consider these things from that earthly perspective. It is irrelevant. Open yourselves, beloved souls, to the greatness, the wonderment and the awesomeness of God. Open your soul to what God has to give to you, His Essence flowing freely and abundantly toward you. This will change you, change your perspective and bring you beyond that earthly restriction and paradigm that is not truly relevant to the soul. Thus, in time, you will become a Celestial angel. You will not be human anymore. You are working toward these ends and they shall be accomplished in time, depending upon your efforts, your prayers and your soulful desire.

Beloveds, beautiful souls of Earth, we meet in something that is not Earth and something that is not Heaven. But indeed, your efforts to reach up and our efforts to reach down make for a joining of forces, a joining of souls who wish to be with God. Thus, we are co-joined in love. We are blessed greatly.
God bless you, beloved souls. I am Bartholomew. I am happy that you continue in your work. You continue in your efforts to make connections on these beautiful islands and to have love, compassion, openness, humility and grace as you do so. Continue in your work, beloved friends. Continue and we will continue to be with you and to make that rapport and establish that connection so that we may work together.

May the blessings of the Father’s Love continue to pour into your souls. May you find the great Comforter, the great Source of Light, wisdom and Love that is God’s Soul, reaching to you through the Holy Spirit. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you all.