SPIRIT: Orion (Guidance)
DATE: January 15, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
I am Orion. I come because this dear brother is interested in what I have to say. Indeed, he and I have had conversations in sleep state conditions that have helped to answer his questions about the nature of the universe and the nature of the soul. The soul exists within beings throughout the universe and this entitles that individual to have the relationship with God which you are desiring to have. Of course, with free will, it is their decision, but each of you here have decided and are seeking a closer relationship with the Creator, as the soul is awakened by the Essence of the great Oversoul. How blessed we all are to know this. For this gift is the key that opens the door to many avenues of experience and understanding. It develops a great capacity to love within the individual. It helps to release all that which is not in harmony with love.
So, we venture forward together, not only with me, but with many others, your Celestial friends with the bright spirits. So many are here to help and to help sustain you in your pursuits, for it is the next step in your world to come to recognise the power of the soul and the abilities of the soul. Without this effort to come to this understanding, then the world will be lost in all its turmoil and darkness. It is very lost at this time, but it will grow deeper and darker if there is no intervention.
Indeed, this is why so much attention is paid upon you, my friends and others around the world. This first wave of support, upliftment and teaching is with you, designed to uphold you and to change you, change attitudes, change perspectives, change all within you that is of your mental condition and conditioning, so that you may be free of these things to the extent that you might be the harbingers of this great change that must come to your world.
Each of you, in your own hearts, have chosen this. In choosing, you have brought about an avalanche of light, support and love from others. Each time a soul chooses light and truth, there is rejoicing amongst all of us. For the more who choose, the more dedicated the choice and the higher the blessings, then the more chance there is that these changes, this light, may flow into your world and help bring humanity to a place of further understanding and of choice. The greatest need at this moment is the need to know, to understand that there truly is a choice in your world. That each individual has the responsibility and the capacity to choose, to choose to awaken the soul, of which you know the way that this is done, or to continue to live in ignorance and in the semi-darkness of a world that is off its course of progress and development.
Indeed, there are many material developments, but this cannot be sustained without the balance of spiritual development and spiritual awakening. The intention of love brings respect for all life. Light and wisdom allows those who possess a soul to develop and bring forth inventions and capacities that are not harmful to life but will help sustain life and sustain them. When the shift happens and the choices are made, then new ways to live in this world will be understood and there will be great interventions from us and many others to help humanity to understand.
You see, my friends, your efforts, your prayers, your willingness and your dedication are crucial at this time and there cannot be any time wasted. As the conditions of your world continue to darken and the chaos continues to mount, those who are of light, those who are blessed in Love, must step forward, be guided and be the interveners. For you possess the fleshy body where many who are helping do not. Although I do indeed live upon a planet in the material sense, there are not enough of us to bring what is required to help recalibrate the conditions of humanity.
Your angel friends and your bright spirits are important and your bright spirit is crucial. So, I ask you to contemplate this, to consider that you too carry a responsibility to help the world come to peace and harmony. Though in your minds this task seems immense, the resistance immovable and the tasks to bring change difficult to comprehend, as you are in alignment with God, your Creator and you ask to be guided, you ask to move forward and progress in love, the ways and means that you might be used and make your efforts known in the world will be guided by God and blessed by God and all you require in order to do so will be provided.
Yes, you are precious souls needed in very many ways. Each of you are gifted in your own ways and must exercise those gifts as best you can. Do not compartmentalise the idea of service and providing that service in ways that fit your mental attitudes and the convenience of your own life at this time. Rather, you must push beyond these things and come to a place of true understanding and true motivation to step forward and to sound the call of truth. As the alarm bells of chaos continue to sound, these sounds of truth must be loud and clear without hesitation, without reluctance and doubt.
Are you ready, my beloved friends? For we are ready. Your angel friends are ready. God is ready. God has made a plan to bring the salvation of humanity forward. All is at the ready, but we must wait for you, so human and fragile, to come to that place of readiness and commitment. It cannot be done because I or anyone else has said so. It must be a true sense of the heart and the soul to step forward. For how else can you muster your courage, unless it is a heartfelt and true sense within you?
Walk in the Light, my friends. It is so good and such a blessing that you are coming together in this way. More gather, and as more gather, the power of that gathering will be felt amongst you. Not only amongst you, but in the world. For you will create together a powerful beam of light, a blessing that will pour out through you to many places to help motivate, recalibrate and inspire many others.
The work begins, but it is only the first volley of effort. Much is coming if you are willing to be a part of it, if you open yourself to be guided to it. If you dedicate yourself to God’s Plan, willingly putting aside the reluctance, the mental ambiguities and come to that place of true soul understanding, knowing and feeling. It is for you to decide, dear and beloved souls. You dip your toes into the waters and they are warm and pleasant. Now it is time to immerse yourself in these Living Waters of God and know the power that it brings to transform, to bring you to greater light, greater love and greater truth.
God bless you, my friends. I am Orion. I am happy to speak today, hopefully to encourage you and not to bring a sense of worry for the world and for the future. For you are secured, my friends. It is a matter of completely embracing that security, that light, that truth that you carry, to be that torch in the world and to move forward as it lights your way. God bless you, beloved souls. My love is with you all. Continue to seek the great gift of Love and we will venture forward in great strides and beautiful expressions. God bless you. God bless you.