SPIRIT: Augustine (Guidance)
DATE: February 21, 2025
There is only one thing that holds you back, beloved souls, as you do God’s work. The only thing, as we have told you many times, is your own will and your own mind that is an expression of that will. I beseech you once again, hold steady the course. Walk in faith. Walk upon this Path Divine and open your eyes and ears to see and listen. Open your heart to feel. Open your soul to understand and to have wisdom. As love flows, these things you have in abundance. These things you need in greater measure as you continue to seek to serve God and your brothers and sisters.
Beloved souls, you are asked to serve. You are given all the opportunities to do so. Be aware. Do not think so much of yourself, but think of how you might serve others, how you might progress in love and how you might be a light in the world. God will answer your prayers and your thoughts with His blessings and guidance.
We continue upon the journey. I am your teacher, Augustine. I am with you as you travel. I am there to advise, to uphold, to love and to protect. God bless you. God bless you all.
2025-02-21-AF-Augustine (G)