New Year’s Eve Message

SPIRIT: Orion (Guidance)
DATE: December 31, 2024

Blessings to you. Your friend Orion is here. In the past year, you have all been very loyal, very dedicated and consistent with your efforts to bring truth, insight, love and light into your being. In the year ahead, you will experience a greater depth of awareness, of wisdom and of love. You will come to know us in a more fully realised way. Our relationships together will become more real to you, more tangible. Your relationship with God will deepen as you receive more of His Love.

The benefits of your consistent efforts will continue to manifest in your lives. You will banish doubt from your minds. Indeed, the human emotions and reactions that are negative will fade further from your consciousness and your being as the light infiltrates many parts of you, as your mind continues to acquiesce to the power and beauty of your soul. You are being transformed, beloved souls and you shall continue to be transformed upon this infinite journey.

How many who have experienced life upon your Earth plane can claim this to be so in their lives? Very few, indeed. Very few who have lived upon this Earth can claim that they have made great strides and progress in their spiritual being, light and understanding of truth. But you, through your consistent efforts, through your mutual support, through all that you do to apply the truth into your lives, have brought about its benefits. Even though, within your mind, you consider your progress meagre and without true, substantial evidence, yet in truth, these things are formulating and growing within your soul.

As you continue to put aside your mind’s recollections and ideas of what spirituality is, of what your soul is, the soul may take precedence. The soul will express itself in the unique ways which are each of your souls. As you continue on this journey of soul awakening and spiritual progression, the mind will seem less potent and important. The soul will take its place as predominant and powerful within your consciousness. This is what will come in the coming year. As you continue to grow together, pray together and be together, you will find, as each reveals their continued experience and progress in life, that there are many similarities. Indeed, you can and will resonate with much of what your brothers and sisters have to say. For the way of progressing beyond this earthly plane condition is demarcated by similar guideposts and experiences in life.

As your consciousness shifts from the material to the soul, many avenues, many experiences and conditions that are part of earthly life are similar in each one of you, for this earthly life often brings similar perceptions, emotions and experiences. As you overcome that which is difficult, that which is dark and heavy, you see for yourself that it is the strength and power of your soul that has brought you beyond these conditions into a condition of light. As you share your triumphs and your challenges, you will see that your brothers and sisters, all too human, all too embroiled in the earthly conditions, in their own way will relate to your struggles and your triumphs. You will support one another in all the beautiful ways that a wise and loving soul may do.

So you continue, my beloved friends, upon the path of truth, light and love. We continue to walk with you, as do many. You will find yourself walking the road less travelled, being in the world but not of the world, being true to your true selves, being a loving channel for others and, first and foremost, to truly love yourself. As you gain more light by enacting these things, the perceptions, feelings and knowings of the soul will become more evident. You will be strengthened in all these ways and the road that you take will be a road which others will follow in time.

Be that light, my beloved friends. Know that you are a light. Within you, you are light, beautiful, beautiful and powerful. Indeed, there are still encrustations around that light, but they are weakening, dissolving and falling away. You are becoming a different person, a person whose attitudes, priorities, ideas and perceptions are changing, being transformed by the great Essence of God. Carry on in your progress, beautiful souls, our friends. As we continue to work together, the work will intensify as you intensify in light, in truth and ability. So, we progress toward greater light and greater love.

My love is with you, my friends.  I am Orion and I love you so, beautiful souls of God. What a privilege it is to walk with you, to speak with you, to uphold you and to love you. God bless you. God bless you, all in love.
