Spirit: Keea Atta Kem
Medium: Al Fike
Date: May 6, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC
How God does indeed bless you, beloved souls. How God brings these surprising blessings to you in your livesand in your souls. In your beings it continues to awaken you and nurture you in Love and carry you in Light. All that is required is a soul that yearns for these blessings to come. All that it requires is a drop of faith that says, “I am willing to be open to your blessings beloved Father.” All it takes is a bit of humility to admit that your life is not complete without God within it. All it takes is an act of prayer, to ask, to receive, to speak to God in your own words, in those feelings deep within you and to share these things deep with God, awakening that which is within. Often those places of hurt and pain, confusion and sorrow, need for you to allow God into these places, that His Love may heal, that His Love may uplift and bring comfort to all those places within you that carry such deep hurt, that carries the burdens of the world.
This is the power of God’s Love, my beloved friends. With one little invitation, with one crack in the armor, with one drop of willingness, this Light finds its way into your heart. This Love brings deep comfort and healing to you, beloved souls. There is much that God wants to give to each one of you. There is a whole universe of blessings, of Truth, of knowledge, of Love that awaits you but for the asking, but for the opening, but for that chink within the armor that opens the way. The Living Waters of God’s Love pour in, deepening that opening, deepening that crack until what was once a great barrier falls away and there is communion with God with such depth, such joy, so profound that you are uplifted into the realms of Heaven, the Light, and wonderment of God.
This gift and this promise is the greatest gift that you may receive in your lives. It is the most profound promise that may be given to each soul. This opportunity to be redeemed in Love, that all that you carry, all that is not in Love may fall away and be transformed and awakened in Light. Each of you in your own way seek this, beloved souls. Some of you are well aware of its blessings. Some of you do not know of it and yet within your souls is a yearning, a need within you to be with God. Listen to that place, that still and small voice within you that urges you forward to take that step, that beginning that awakens and heals in prayer.
You are each loved so profoundly, so deeply, so beautifully by God. Is this not worth your efforts to seek this blessing, to know this Love, to comprehend the power of God’s Love for you? For in this understanding and this experience of knowing God and His Love, your life is changed. You are changed as your soul begins its journey to awakening, in its true potential, in its true beauty and grace.
It is not a journey to be fearful of or reticent or judge, it is a journey of coming home to that place of deep peace, of deep knowing, of deep joy. It is a place that each soul yearns to be and each soul makes its desire known to your mind. There is an inkling within your mind that tells you that what I say is true, that there is a profound and wonderful change that may be for you in your lives, through this sincere prayer to receive the blessing of God’s Love.
It is very simple. It does not require great readings or intellectual knowledge or great edifices in order to pray within. It is merely you and God together, reaching to one another. In this, you come awake. All those parts of you that are secrets, that you do not understand nor are aware of, are awakened. You come to see your true worth, your true self upon this journey to God. No greater journey can you take, beloved souls. No more profound knowing can be in your consciousness than this. For the soul’s capacities to know and understand are far greater than the material mind. When you ignite these capacities and gifts within you, the deep knowings of Truth come and you are liberated from error. You come to know Truth in ways that you could not know with your mind. In this knowing, in this Truth, it becomes an unshakable foundation from which to live and be in the world.
This is the power of Love, beloveds. This is the gift that God offers each one of you. Indeed, He has gifted you with free will and cannot force you to receive this gift without your acknowledgement and desire to do so. I urge you, beloved souls, seek this Light, seek this Truth, seek the Essence of God that it may pour within your soul and awaken you upon this eternal journey to at-onement with God.
May God bless you, beloved souls, show you the way, that journey that is only for you to take, unique and blessed by God. May God keep you in His Love, His Light, His Grace. G
God bless you, beloved souls. I am Keea Atta Kem and I am happy to speak to you today. God bless you. My Love is with you.