Love is the true currency of life

Spirit: St. Francis

Medium: Al Fike

Location: Gibsons, BC

Date: July 4, 2016

…I am Francis, Francis of Assisi and I have come to speak to you of Love, since this is why you gather, to receive and to know and to express in your lives this great gift of Love. For Love is the great unifying force in the universe. Love is the essence of God’s existence. Love is what brings harmony into all your world and all worlds. And for those who seek spiritually, this one great truth must come into their consciousness in order to progress within their souls, whether that be of the natural love or the Divine Love. It is important and crucial that one acknowledges the power of love, the currency of love, the necessity of love. For a heart cold and unloving does not truly live. A heart filled with love, beaming Light and feeling connected to all creation knows the deep joy that is unobtainable when there is no openness or acknowledgement of love.

I found love, God’s Love, as I prayed alone in the deep forest amongst the creatures and I realized that love is all around me, that love informs all, and love is the greatest gift of all. And so many seek love but cannot find it. They seek it in places that are as dry as the deserts. You must seek love with God, my beloveds. You must beseech God that His Love may flow into your souls in great abundance, that this great Gift to be given to your soul. And from there it grows, it grows until it is like a shining sun and radiates out to all that is around you. All those souls within your orbit, all the creatures, all that is in your life will be touched by this Love and you, beloved souls, will be transformed, changed and made whole by this transformative Love, this Love that gives unceasingly, this Love that flows from God and touches all the souls who desire this touch. For His Holy Spirit touches each penitent soul. His Holy Spirit conveys this Gift and you, my beloveds, are merely required to say a prayer, to ask God to be touched in this way and all begins with this desire, this simple desire to know love, to truly know love and it shall be given in such great abundance that it will set you upon a road that leads to at-onement with God.

As you receive this great Gift and it changes and transforms you and infills you and expands your soul, so you do become a reflection of God in His Love and through the laws of Love you will find resonance, at-onement, a great bond with the Creator and His Great Soul and your beautiful souls will dance in joy and understanding, in profound awareness, an opening and you will walk in that mighty river, that mighty river of Love. It will carry you beyond your imaginings, beyond your understanding of the mind to a place where your souls are alive and bring you such great awareness and express through you such beautiful Gifts, all informed by love, that you will use them and what you carry within you, these great potentials, so many beautiful seeds, ready to sprout with the warmth of the Father’s Love, touching each Gift, allowing each beautiful manifestation that God has implanted within you, will grow and express itself in all its glory and beauty, for the benefit, not only of yourselves, but all mankind. So much lies within you, my beloveds. So much awaits the touch of Love. That great Love that informs all and brings all that you require.

Beloved souls, seek ye that great blessing, and all will come, unfold and manifest in beautiful ways, in harmonious ways and your lives will reflect this with each step, each time that you pray for this Love you will step a little closer to that place of true understanding, of pure love, of harmonious and loving expression and that place where you will serve God, for you will know His Will. It will inform you and show you what you must do in this world for Love. God bless you, my beloveds. I am Francis and I love you. I love you dearly, beautiful lights, beautiful lights in a darkened sea. You are beacons of Love. God bless you. God bless you.