SPIRIT: Augustine (Guidance)
DATE: January 11, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
I urge you not to listen and take heed of the advice of others, but to go to your own soul and listen to the truth and the wisdom that comes from there. Too often, on your earthly plane, you are drawn into what others have to say. Because they speak with authority and confidence, you believe and you come to think that they know. Indeed, many have snippets of truth within them and will share this with others, if they are willing to listen. Yet indeed, you too have snippets of truth within you.
If you engage in conversation together as equals, then you are engaging in a way of building light and building truth within the mind and, hopefully, the soul. But if you sit as a student to those you believe within your mind are the teachers, then you do not give yourself the opportunity to truly grow and to be within the grace and Truth of God’s Love, which will bring you to truth.
When another speaks, that grace within you, that strength and wisdom within you, will tell you whether what that individual has to say is true or not or is in alignment with your own soul’s progression. When you abdicate this personal responsibility of understanding truth and exerting truth in your own life and way upon your own path, then you impede your progress, no matter how eloquent the words are, no matter how captivating they may be to your mind.
We are not speaking about mindful things here, when we come to teach you. We are speaking about soulful things. That is a two-way conversation. It is for you to consider what is spoken, no matter who speaks, whether it is a medium like this who has the angels’ voices through him, or an individual who believes they are a teacher. You must take personal responsibility and walk upon the path that God has designated for you and put into practice what you believe and what you understand as truth. When you do this, you become your own teacher and your own person. When you merely follow the words and store them in your mind without acting upon them, then you become a receptacle for mindful ideals that are not particularly useful for the moment.
Indeed, you have much stored within you and the mind of the soul stores everything. But it is the now, it is the present that is important. What you may apply in love, in harmony and truth at this very moment is important, not an esoteric teaching that will someday make sense to you. This may be of some benefit, but it is not the focus, certainly not when we are together in these times of what you call a prayer retreat. What is important is your soul communing with God and your mind coming into alignment with the understandings of your soul.
Often, those who come to these circles and hear the angels speak do not hear the words, but that does not mean that they are not absorbing the truth, for they are. There is no real concern here if you do not hear me or another angel speaking. Rather, your soul is listening and your soul listens in a different way. Your soul absorbs truth in a different way. I urge you to continue to be in that state of readiness and receptivity and to not over-activate your material mind in speculation, throwing forth ideas, thinking you are doing the work. For I say to you, when the mind is overactive, it is counterproductive to the work.
I do not mean to denigrate your efforts to seek truth. I know, in the material world, utilising the mind is of the utmost importance to you. Yet, we are teaching something different, something that is unusual for your world, something so needed within your world. You must be the teachers. You must teach your brothers and sisters how to listen with the soul, how to feel and know with the soul and how to be with God with the soul. In that way, the truth will not be a concept, a paradigm built within the mind. It will be a living thing within your being. Rather than think you must do this or be that, you will be that which is important and in alignment with God. It will come reflexively as the flow of intention and expression that comes from the soul.
Be true to your own soul. Each of you possess one. Every human on Earth possesses one. So it is time to exercise the capacities of the soul and make that the priority in your life. Make that the challenge in your life and grow to discern between the two when you are responding to life. Understand, see, feel and recognise the difference between these two approaches and try to bring the soul to dominance, the soul as your leader, as the thing that shall see you through your life and bring greater harmony, peace and truth to it.
I know it is difficult for many of you to exercise your consciousness in this way. But indeed, it is important that you do so. It is crucially important, for we are grooming the teachers of the future, the instruments of God. We are here to help you develop and to come forward as a light. But first, you must come forward as a soul and be that light. Be true to yourself, beloved souls. Put aside the prattle of the mind. Be true to the depth and breadth, the wisdom and the wonderment, the glory and the light that is your own soul in alignment with the great Oversoul, the Creator of all.
God bless you. I am your teacher, Augustine. Yes, I contradict myself to a degree, for I speak and I use language and words to convey something that is far deeper. How else may we communicate, my friends, but in this way until you are able to truly know our communication, soul to soul? This we hope for. We hope to develop this within you, these capacities for communication. God bless you, beloved souls. My love is with you. Your teacher, Augustine, loves you so. God bless you.