It is Time to Release Your Cloak of Pain

SPIRIT:             Jesus
MEDIUM:        Al Fike
DATE:               December 29, 2024
LOCATION:     Sechelt, BC

In the name of truth, I come. I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I come to pray with you this day as you seek the Truth of the Father’s Love to expand your soul and change you in all the ways that it is meant to change, all the aspects of your being that will be changed by the Essence of God, that you may become more divine than human as you walk this road toward at-onement. That you may follow the road of truth, of wisdom, of light and joy that comes with the Father’s Love.

My beloveds, it is time to slough off the human conditions that have been retained within you through your life’s experience. It is time to start anew along a road that is pure and in harmony with God’s Laws of Love. It is time to be free from the burdens of life. In these times, this choice is given to each one of you. As you seek the Truth of the Father’s Love, so you seek the cleansing, reshaping and birthing of your soul into that which is meant to be, that which God wishes to be, the new soul redeemed in the Father’s Love. In this redemption, a change will come over you, my beloveds, that is far beyond your imagining and your understanding of the mind.

It is a change that will bring new hope, new perceptions, a great capacity to love and to embrace life. In your embracing of life, there will come great joy. There will come all that you require to be in this world of yours but not of it, to be truly a child of God and to know your Creator in such depth and breadth that you will come to realise the magnificence of creation, of life and the profound capacity for God to create all things that are in harmony with His Laws of Love and Creation.

It is time, my beloveds, to release that old garment of pain and don a new garment, vital and beautiful, that declares your true intention to be with God and to express yourself within the harmony and the laws of God. This garment shall be brightened by the Love that God bestows upon you. This garment shall reflect your true selves, your beautiful beings, resplendent in all the wonderment that is your creation. My beloveds, there is no need to suffer. There is no need to feel downtrodden, weighted down by the conditions of your world when you know the avenue, the way to be free of these things, to accept all that is of God and to live all that is within God.

To be in the world and not of the world, my beloveds, is not to be distracted and fooled by false doctrines and conditions that seem enticing but are not. It is time to follow the road straight, narrow and sure, your feet firmly planted upon this path. Upon your journey, there will not be confusion, deception, worries or cares about your wellbeing. For as you walk this road, you will feel the ripeness of your expression, your desires and intentions as the wisdom of the soul predominates and the mind becomes acclimated to this beautiful condition of soul. You will know your steps. You will feel your way along the road of life and, predominantly, that feeling will be joy. You will walk within the light of truth. As you come to make your life’s decisions, you will naturally come to a place of knowing and understanding the road that you must follow and the choices you must make.

These things are available to each and every one of you here. It is for you to choose to not occupy your mind with old worries and cares, with that old and tattered garment that you have donned, thinking this will protect you from the hurts and pains of life. Instead, it burdens you, beloveds. It burdens you with attitudes, thoughts and worries that are not relevant to your onward progression, to your true soul’s light. As you feel vulnerable with this new garment, the angels of God shall be with you, surrounding you, protecting you and assisting you in your adjustment to this new way, this way that offers freedom, this way that offers harmony, peace and love.

Ask God to bring to you your garment, that which is meant for you. It will be unique for you. It will be beautiful and it will be yours for all eternity. It will protect you and it will bring you the wisdom that you need. For as you don this new garment, which is the way of light and love, then you will live a life that reflects these things. As you journey upon the road seeking evermore of the Father’s Love, so you will find yourself in a state of readiness, eager to receive more of this gift.

You will find yourself feeling to the very depths of your being, joy. Joy that you are alive. Joy that you are a creation of God. Joy that you are with God. As you walk upon the road, you will know wisdom that shall guide you. As you exist in this material world, you will be a light and a source of truth, an example for all to see. Your garment, though not visible to others, will reflect the light within your soul and will draw others close because of that light. You will find yourself doing God’s work, being God’s instrument in your daily tasks and wanderings. There is much waiting for you, beloveds. If you but release these old ways and attitudes and become this new and bright being that is truly a reflection of your soul, all that burdens you will indeed fall away as God’s Love cleanses, renews and transforms.

May you be blessed, my beloved souls, upon the journey of life toward that which is of light, toward that which is holy and blessed. God bless you, my beloveds. I am your brother and your friend. I am Jesus and I Iove you. I shall walk with you. We shall walk together, always. I promise you that I will be with you and that all the angels of the Celestial Heavens will make their efforts to be with you, to accompany you upon the road of life in this world of yours and beyond. God bless you, beloveds. My love is with you always. God bless you.