SPIRIT: Matthew (Teaching)
DATE: January 28, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
I am Matthew. It is most important at this time that you find your way to your purpose. Indeed, God has imbued within your soul a destiny, a gift, something that you must do in your lives, the expression of Divine Will through you as a gift to the world. For many, it is a difficult task to discern these things, to find their way to a place that is an expression, an aspect that God has put within them that reflects God’s plan in the world. When that purpose is found, then there is deep joy within the soul. For with the expression of purpose, that deep and meaningful experience, an aspect of your life, will bring satisfaction, contentment and an increase in joy.
Within your soul is a deep desire to express these things. The mind is often contrary to this. The mind often is sceptical and resistant, for these things do not originate from the material mind. In your battle between the predominance of the material mind and the mind of the soul, you get glimpses of this purpose within. It flashes before you in some perception, some vision or some inspiration, then it settles back into the vagueness of soul awareness. But as you continue to grow in the Father’s Love, as you continue to seek out your own soul, then these aspects of soul will become readily available to you in perception, feeling and thought.
When these glimpses come, do you not feel some excitement, some intrigue, a drawing of your heart toward that which you know is true, that which is truly a part of you? When this happens in your prayers, even in your daily life, you must listen and acknowledge this. Ask for further guidance, strengthening of insight and strengthening of resolve. Although God has put a purpose within you, it does not mean that you will automatically express it. As in every case, your choice, your free will, determines the outcome. Do not allow others to dissuade you. If you feel compelled in that purposeful way, then you must act.
It is often challenging to act in the pure sense of that purpose. The mind will interfere, interpret and filter. It may lead you in directions that are not altogether in harmony with the purpose. But, as you act and as you step forward, you will know and feel the rightness of it, or you will recognise the misdirection. A sense of well-being will come over you when you are immersed within your purpose, when your gifts shine forth responding to that purpose, when your acts are in harmony and in tandem with that purpose and when your thoughts are clear and unambiguous about that purpose.
It is for you, beloved souls, to find your purpose, express it and do so with dedication and faith. This is the highest calling of God to your soul and this is what your soul yearns to fulfil. I do not say that this is one act that must be accomplished at a given moment. It is a series of expressions and efforts made within the earthly plane that will help bring greater light and truth to the world. It may be very overt, expressive and seen in the world by many, or it may be simple and humble, but it is most assuredly the most important thing you might do for others in service.
Seek out your purpose, beloved souls. Do not shirk your responsibility regarding this. Be true and clear to the understanding of your soul that gives to you the gift of awareness and impetus toward fulfilling your purpose. It is a test and a challenge. It is a journey of discovery. If you are willing to take that journey, I can assure you that it will be like none other in terms of your expression and presence in the world. It will have an impact. It will contribute to God’s plan for the salvation of humanity and it will have an effect that will last beyond your lifetime.
So, the time comes, my beloved brothers and sisters, to truly dedicate yourselves to that gift that God has given you, that purpose of meaning that resides within you, that expression of light that is profound and unique to you. May you be blessed upon the journey of discovery. As you seek the Father’s Love to ignite your soul, so the awareness of these things shall come. This is inevitable. You, beloved brothers and sisters, will know the fulfilment of joy and of that deep expression that is truly a part of you.
May you be blessed, beloveds. I am Matthew. My love is with you always and evermore. We journey together. We in the Celestial Kingdom can see that great gift within you, are well aware that each has a purpose and are there to support and to help you find your way upon this path of service. May God bless you and keep you in His Love. God bless you, beloved souls.