I Am With You

Spirit: Jesus
Medium: Al Fike
Date: May 5, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC

I come. I am Jesus. I come to bless all those who gather in the name of truth and love. I come because you are my brothers and sisters. I come because you hold the key of truth and that you are my channels of love and truth. I am with you beloveds, I am with each of you and I have prayed with each of you and are in my prayers. Each of you holds a Light, a blessing and a purpose.

I, and those with me in the Celestial Kingdom, will continue to work with you upon this earth and walk with you in your efforts to heal humanity, as we all are channels of God’s Will and Love. We shall work together beloveds, to awaken this world of yours that so desires to sleep and not be accountable. I am with you, beloveds. We shall awaken the world and God will manifest the Truth through you all. God bless you. My Love is with you.