DATE: January 22, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
I am Faith. I am very happy to be part of the band of angels that supports you on your journey of soul awakening and the transformation of your soul. Not only does it bring you the Substance of God through the longings of your love and the showering of your essence to God, but along with this, you develop humility and faith.
For it takes your own faith to even desire to want to know God in this way. With your own portion of faith enacted in this desire and blessing by receiving this Substance, faith grows, this faith from God’s Essence. It is like your faith and God’s faith coming into one. When you receive this Love, humility grows. Those things that are out of harmony within you are transformed into a state of grace. When one who is full of grace is also full of humility, as one develops in soul perceptions, in alignment more and more with God’s Love, His Soul and His Will, one becomes more like God in these qualities and you can see through the eyes of truth, the eyes of love.
What this means is you can see the light of another, but you can also see the pain and suffering of another. One who has great humility also has compassion and, rather than judging the individuals or individual for their shortcomings, there is an outflowing of pure Love, this Love of the Divine that you carry. This ignites the compassion in you, for you understand it is their human condition that is inside of the suffering and their own shortcomings. Because you have been transformed through God’s Essence, your own human condition transformed into divinity, you understand them. You can hold compassion for their journey.
Try to use the quality of Divine Love that each of you has within you when you are faced with another’s human condition, rather than igniting your own human condition. It is for you to allow that Love that is within you to inform your thoughts, your words and your actions, for this is what it means to live inside of the Law of Love. You will always know when you are enacting this law or not. When you feel your own pain and your own judgment, when you feel that restriction inside of you, this is outside of this law. When enough of this Love is within you and accessible to you, you can draw upon it and choose to act from this higher place from within yourself.
So, one who prays for the gift of God’s Love has many beautiful qualities developing and strengthening within them. As you move along your journey, it is for you to choose to access these higher places within you. As you do, you are overcoming a challenge. It is an opportunity to be love. This is the road of progression. This is how it goes. In some circumstances, you may fall short of reaching this higher realm from within yourself. At other times, you will have the strength to call upon that space of divinity that you are, allow it to overcome your own shortcomings and flow through you.
This, beloved souls, is the journey of awakening. First, you must awaken to yourself, to the attributes that lie within you and allow those to become very familiar to you. This is how you come to know your true self, that place of love, humility, compassion and joy. Every time that you move through releasing more and more of your own human condition, these beautiful, divine qualities that lie within you are accessible to you, you are developing. Your soul is developing by the gift of Love, of God’s Presence within you. It is transforming those conditions that you carry that are more of your human qualities.
Allow this Love to work upon you. Open yourself to receive this blessing of Love and allow us, your angel friends, to come and work upon you, responding to your desires and God’s orchestration in your own awakening. I am Faith. May each of you feel this blessing deeply and allow us to be in your midst. God bless you.