Spirit: Andrew
Medium: Al Fike
Date: April 10, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC
Your needs will be met, my beloved brothers and sisters. As you continue to establish yourselves in the world and bring the message of God’s Love to humanity, there will be some recognition. There will be those who wish to support as you have experienced this as of late. Many gifts will come your way, beloved souls, in response to the love that you bring for the efforts that you make to help proliferate this message in the world.
Beloveds, have faith that when you are guided and feel compelled to walk in this Earth to some destination, to be a channel of love in some place far off, to be God’s emissaries of love, that your needs will be met. God will inspire those who have the resources to give, to lay them at your feet, to open doors that you may not be able to open and that individual or individuals will be blessed for their efforts. There will be a deep sense of satisfaction and gratitude for this opportunity to serve and to give in this way.
These blessings continue to pour forth. Your love continues to shine forth. God’s Touch is upon all that you do in the name of truth and love. Do not worry my friends. Do not think that God will deny you the opportunities to serve in this way for this will be the case that you will forge ahead. You will find yourself in many different places serving in many different ways, using your gifts and your abilities.
The truth that resides within your soul to convey to those who are eager to listen, even to the lost souls, the truth to give hope, comfort, to uplift, to educate, to inspire, to bring love. Provided you are willing to listen to God’s guidance, to walk upon the path that God has laid before you, much will be happening in your lives in this while ahead. Be open, receptive, willing, and faithful in your actions. Consider your words. Consider your intentions. Consider what God intends for you. These things that are meant to be, that are indeed in alignment with God’s Will will unfold and be realized in the timing and Grace and Will of God.
You all have seen this to be true. You have experienced God’s blessings upon you and guidance for you. You have seen how things have manifested, opportunities have opened and your gifts have flourished. Your capacity to serve widens and deepens in God’s Love. This can only continue, for you are not waylaid by anything upon this Earth that would hold you from these journeys and service of love. This door opens wide and these possibilities are numerous and often unexpected. You feel the inspiration of your soul awakening and realizing what is possible and what will be encapsulated in the Will of God.
God bless you, beloved souls. I am Andrew and my love is with you. My love continues to help light your way, beloveds, as a channel of God’s Love, so we all walk in this light, so we are in this grace, so we come to know God’s Will. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.