DATE: February 28, 2025
May the Father’s Love continue to bless you, beautiful souls of God. I am Care. Though I usually speak through my husband (Jimbeau), I am happy to speak to you today through this instrument, who is indeed a good friend of my husband’s. Any friend of his is a friend of mine.
My beautiful friends, it is lovely to be with you and to pray with you today, to know that Jesus’ work continues in this world, that there are those who follow the truth that he taught so long ago. There are those eager for more truth, more Love of God and more of everything that God has to give. When this is the case, when there are those who are so open, willing and diligent in their prayers, you draw many to you, many different angels, of which I am one.
When I walked the Earth, I was considered eccentric and unusual. Yet, in my heart, all I was doing was following God’s promptings and guidance. I expressed myself in the uniqueness and the individuality that I was. That did not go over well with some, but many took notice and knew of me. If they knew of me, they would often hear me speak of the Love of God, that they should indeed seek out this gift.
You see, being unnoticed, being conventional, does not always draw others to you. You slip by unnoticed. You are part of the woodwork, as they say. Yet, I was never one of those. This dear friend of mine who sits with me here (Jeanne) was never one to go by unnoticed. In this way, her ministry was and is a powerful one, because she brought the attention of others to her. She did not do it with ego and a desire to be noticed and acclaimed, but with a desire to be loving, kind and reaching out to many others. In this way, we are two peas in a pod, even though we express ourselves differently.
I say these things to make an example for you, how the unique expression of each soul can be a powerful agent to bring others to them and to bring attention forward. In this opportunity, you may speak of the Father’s Love, how they are loved, how they are unique and how they might know of God’s Love in the way that all of us here know of God’s Love.
There is so much to know of God. There is so much of God that can be within us. That part of God, which is His Essence, will grow and expand and change us and liberate us. If it is shyness, if it is a reluctance to speak, if it is a lack of love for oneself, whatever the conditions are that hold you back from another, these things melt away in Love. These things are transformed. With a growing confidence and understanding of your true self and your true nature, you may step forward in the world and be that light, be that beautiful instrument, a channel of love.
Indeed, each of you is beautiful in your countenance. Each of you has much to give to the world. Each of you is unique. God wants you, as His unique creature, His beautiful brother or sister, to be yourself, to be wholly who you are and to have that Light of God shine through in all its countenance, all its beauty and all its uniqueness. Though there are some who will judge you and think you strange, others see you as a unique flower in God’s garden. Indeed, each of these flowers in God’s garden deserves some attention, deserves to be studied, appreciated, loved and acknowledged.
You, my beautiful friends, must bloom in all the beauty, all the countenance of light, all the gifts, all that is that God has created within you. Let it shine forth. Let it be in the world, showing yourself in all your uniqueness and glory. For this is the way you might connect with others and be that beautiful instrument for God. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing that you should be ashamed of. Yes, you are flawed. You are human. You have all those characteristics that make you human, but also, along with these human qualities, you have the divine qualities, the qualities of the soul, that you might express and bring forward in your personality, in your countenance.
In that, God will use this as a channel, a way, an instrument to reach out to others. Indeed, since there are many qualities within you, many gifts that reside within your soul, God will pick and choose those gifts that are most appropriate and most effective to reach out to another. When you ask to be guided, when you ask for God to use you as an instrument for His Will and His Love and you allow this to be, then God will ensure that the qualities within you that are most beautiful and most attractive to another will shine forth and have their impact and impression upon that individual.
You have heard stories of me and how my beloved Jimbeau and I worked as God’s instruments, often in unconventional ways. Why are you different from us? You are not. Each of you is a precious soul, loved by God and created by God. Each of you can be that unique individual, that beautiful light in the world. Love others, embrace others, draw others into the light, and show them how they may be in the light, in the constancy of God’s Love and the beauty of His Touch upon your soul.
These things, my friends, are important. You are important. You are beautiful and you can be a beautiful channel of light, truth and love for God. Pray for this. Ask to be used. You will be surprised how God will use you. You may even surprise yourself, what parts of you may come through unencumbered by your reluctance and expressed beautifully by your love.
God bless you, my friends. I am Care. I love each one of you and I know each one of you. The work continues. We all continue to work diligently to be God’s instruments. You have the upper hand, the advantage of being on the Earth plane. Use that advantage fully and effectively. Be guided in that usefulness, in that service for God and for humanity. God bless you, beloved friends. Care loves you. God loves you. The angels love you and many, many more love you. You are surrounded in love. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.
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