SPIRIT: Luke (Guidance)
DATE: January 16, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
Friends, I am Luke. The journey to God is both difficult and very rewarding. As you well know, the difficulties come with the human condition and your own mental biases and condition that obstruct your experience with God. For every soul can experience God in the fullness of His Love. Every soul knows instinctively how to be with God and to commune with God. It is that part of you that was with God at one time, in that beautiful ecstasy of existence before the material, before you were born.
But, when the child enters into the material world, so sensitive and open, then that beautiful soul becomes polluted with material conditions, fears and thoughts. Eventually, their sensitivity is beaten back by the harshness of your world. This is not to say that the child is without love or that the parents do so willingly to bring them away from God, but it is the nature of your world and the conditions that generation upon generation have brought upon your world that causes this to happen. It brings that child to a place of defensiveness and wrapping in upon itself in order to feel safe.
You have overcome those restrictions and fears. You have once again ventured upon the road toward God to reclaim your birthright, to reclaim love and that condition of love that you long for, your soul longs so deeply for. So, you come in prayer to God. You come together in prayer to be with God. You open up the way, the Portal of Light, blessings, the Holy Spirit ministering to you all. So, you contradict the ways of the world and realise within you there is a better way, a higher way. Then, my beloved friends, you must live that way as best you can and affirm the truth as best you can, so that others around you may also benefit from the light you carry, from the truth you know and the efforts you make.
The world continues to be asleep in the darkness of ignorance, unknowing that they are being deprived of a beautiful relationship that is of God. You struggle to overcome any impediment that keeps you from this. For each of you has felt the Touch of God in your own way. Each of you knows that special blessing of His Love. You yearn for this, long for this and continue to seek it out. Thus, you are true to your nature, your soulful nature. You are true to that place deep within you that has long desired to be close to God once again.
So you fight your way toward the fountainhead of Love. You seek ways and means to ensure that that path may be trodden easily and readily at your will. You, my beloveds, are the harbingers. You are the example of the light, the way and the passage toward reuniting with God. But, that time of reuniting will not be the same as what it was before your birth. Rather, you have been changed already. You are becoming immortal and, in time, will be a spirit. In this, your experience of God and perceptions of God will be irrevocably changed through the experiences and the gift that God has given you of this material life.
There will be no going back to that time of drifting within the Womb of God in the ecstasy of His Love, care and warmth. Rather, as a unique individual, you will find your way as one of God’s creations, possessing a soul, coming to the realisation of relationship, of connecting, of loving your Creator. This will add something even more powerful than what you had before. For you have become an individual. You have become that beautiful being that God created you to be. You will find along the journey of life, whether it be here or in spirit, more that will solidify and reveal your unique self, your beautiful self.
As you make the Love of God your foundation, so you are more fully a being, a child of God, with His Love leading the way, purifying and transforming your soul into something that is closer to the Divine. The gifts and unique qualities that you possess will be exemplified and amplified in this journey. Indeed, a wonderment of experiences, of realisations, of accomplishments, of expressions, of openings will be yours upon this path. You will know a joy beyond your imaginings, a sense of completeness so profound, a sense of awakening and transformation that is beyond what you anticipate, a wonderful journey full of surprises and openings that will be joyfully received.
My beloved and beautiful brothers and sisters, you walk upon a path that is of the highest calibre and nature. You seek the greatest blessing of all in God’s Love and therefore everything that is possible in your experience, being and realisation of these things will be given and is yours by virtue of the gift that God has given you in His Love.
Remember this, my beloved and beautiful friends, when you feel the weight of the human condition, when life presents to you something painful and difficult, that that is just a momentary condition. Indeed, the journey that you make, the path that you follow, will ensure that these blessings and gifts that I speak of will be given to you. The momentary pain will dissipate with the power of God’s Love and the power of the transformation of that Love that makes you something different, something beautiful, something closer to God.
My beloved and beautiful friends, you are upon the journey. I see your feet firmly upon this path. Indeed, as you navigate the material world, it is necessary that we come and reinforce your efforts and understanding of the direction and journey that you are going in, to remind you of what is important, what is coming for you and what you are headed toward. My beloved friends, be at peace and know that you are loved. My dear daughter, I honour you on this day. May you know the blessings of God deeply on this day, for you have angels surrounding you and there is one who wishes to speak to you now.
So, I will take my leave. Know that I love you. I am Luke. I shall continue to speak to you and talk about the journey of truth, love and light, the beauty and the wonderment that it is. God bless you. God bless you.