SPIRIT: Immanuel Kant (Teaching)
DATE: January 15, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
My name is Immanuel Kant. I would think you would be surprised that I would come to speak, being known as an intellectual and philosopher in what you would call modern times. I have come to disavow much of what I and others have said, for existentialism is not the way. It is the way to hell, not to Heaven. For when one does not take responsibility for one’s actions in the way that existentialism does encourage one to be for the moment and to live for the moment, then, of course, a very important piece is missing in your progression of life.
Indeed, after this material life, there is another life and a more important one at that. It is necessary for every individual to come to that realisation, that indeed what they do in the material world will reflect on what will be their experience in the spirit world. So, there is ultimate responsibility and ultimate reaction to what is done, both in thought and deed.
I have come to know the Truth of God’s Love. I am not a Celestial being, but my hope is that I will someday be there and enjoy the fruits of my labours, which are great. I continue to pray often to seek that great gift of Love. I wish to encourage you all, although I see some of you are even more progressed than myself. You have a beautiful light and I wish to know the freedom and joy of that light and that blessing.
I was very serious in my work when I lived on the Earth, but now the shift of my focus is 180 degrees to the other direction toward God, a God which I did not believe in and did not think existed. Now, with all my heart and soul, I am a believer. I continue to seek out a rapport and relationship with God and have found, through friends who have shown me the way, that to receive the great gift of God’s Love is the way in which this might happen. Indeed, it has proven to be true.
So, I continue on my road, my journey of discovery. Indeed, with such a developed intellect, it has not been easy. I must contradict my mind almost constantly. Though you might believe that you will leave your mind behind when you enter into the spirit realms, this is not the case. It becomes even more potent and obvious when you are in that world. But, you are striving for something quite different, something that I wish I had known as I walked the Earth and understood, of course. Yet, the Law of Attraction would not allow this to be so, for if someone had presented to me this Truth, I would discount it and completely reject it.
Now I am in a different place and I thought I would tell you about my story, for I am happy now to reject my old teachings and to embrace something very different, something that Jesus taught so long ago, something that must continue to be taught in the world. Hopefully, the intellectuals will give up their need for control and be humble in the truth. This I desire and I will do what I can to help humanity come to this. For, as is said, it is the saving grace that shall save the world. It is not intellectualism. It is love. The more love, the more potent will be the healing. More wonders will be the truth revealed. The more beautiful will be the individual’s relationship with God.
This I have come to understand. I am very happy to say to you, though I know you understand, my friends. But, there are many spirits listening to you who do not. So, I come for them, primarily, to tell them and to tell my story. For it may help them and it may help you.
So, may the blessings of God, the great inflowing of His Love into your soul, be yours this day and every day. My greetings and love to you, my friends. I am Immanuel Kant. My love grows and I feel it for you. Blessings to you and thank you.
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