DATE: January 30, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
I come. I am Jesus. I come to greet you, to love you and to pray with you. I come to uphold and guide these two beautiful brothers who are intent on bringing the Truth of the Divine Love to humanity. I want you to know that I am close, that I am there to help support you, to help guide you and bless you. Though each of you have your own ways and your own path to follow, the Truth of God’s Love shines through. The Truth is within you. Your blessing and challenge is to find ways and means of expressing that Love, that Truth, to others.
When you feel compelled to share, do not hold back. If you feel self-conscious or unprepared to do so, ask God to put the words upon your lips and you will be inspired. I may come and uphold you, beloved souls, for I have an interest in every soul who may come to know the Truth of the Father’s Love. I spend much of my time and efforts helping humanity find the Truth of this Love, helping spirits in the spirit world to find this truth. There are many who are hungering within their souls and yet there is no one to feed them. There is nothing definitive to say to them.
Yet, each of you, my beloved brothers, and all of you, have this Truth firmly within you. You hold it close to your breast. You live it with each day. You are God’s instruments in many ways. So, I encourage you upon the path of service. The dedication and the loving outreach of your efforts are important. I urge you to be steadfast. Beloved souls, God continues to bless you. Each day is an affirmation of these blessings. Each day you have been given much to uphold you, to strengthen you, to guide you and to bring you in greater alignment with God.
So, we continue upon this path. As you have come to realise, you play an important role in God’s plan for the salvation of humanity. You bring this Truth forward. You are a shining example of it. Though you are human, the power of your soul shines forth and, with each day, that light grows brighter. With each day, the blessings of your soul, as God’s channels of love, increase. My beautiful and beloved brothers and sisters, you are precious to me. My love for you is great. I cannot tell you how much you are important and necessary to my ministry, for we all engage in the same work. We all follow the Path Divine. We all bring the message forward.
We work together, day in and day out, all together as one upon the path of truth, the efforts made and the glorious blessings given to you and through you. You are touched by God, His Hand firmly upon you. You are powerfully blessed and upheld in light. God ensures that your ministry shall continue, your efforts shall expand and the work shall grow. Listen to your guidance. Pray to be used as God’s instruments. Pray to continue to grow in your ministry, in the Truth that God gives you and the Love that flows to you.
All that shall be shall come to pass, provided your faith, trust and dedication to God continue to grow. Do not let the small obstructions of life hold you from this. Know that nothing will hold you from your ministry, even though there may be attempts. Even though there are dark forces that watch you and try to find ways and means of influencing you and those around you so that you are diverted from your path. Know that you are well protected, that your families and loved ones are well-protected and that you will continue upon this path, this dedication of service, this purposeful life until the day you pass into the spirit world. Even then, you will take on new tasks and greater efforts.
It is a never-ending flow of Love, administering to lost souls, teaching the truth and being a light in the world. You will find yourself growing and expanding in Love beyond the confines of your mind to the expansiveness of your soul. In this, wisdom will come, truth will come and strength will come. All that you require will come to fulfill God’s plan for you and for the world. You are mightily blessed, beloved souls, and you shall know these blessings for eternity.
You are well on your way to entering the Celestial Kingdom. You will find your way as you are guided and shown as you make your efforts with God, so the rewards will come in great measures. The rewards will be magnificent and beyond your imaginings. You will find your way and truly know how much God loves you, how much your angel friends love you and how much I love you. For all that you do is predicated upon love and all that God wishes for you to do is predicated upon love.
May you know this with each moment, every breath and every action you take, that you may pray to be blessed with an inflowing of God’s Love and an outpouring of God’s Love in your daily life and in your daily service. I am your brother and friend, Jesus, Master of the Celestial Kingdom. I say these things to uphold you, beloved souls, so that you are reassured that your path is the path that God has designated for you and your service is the service that God has blessed and shall guide you along.
Beloved souls, know that I love you. Know that you are loved greatly and that you shall be blessed with peace, truth, love and many gifts that shall pour through you as God utilises your instrumentality and carries you upon the path of love. I am with you more often than you might know. I am with you, beloved souls. God bless you in His Love. God bless you, beloveds.