Each Uses Their Gifts To Help Each Other Heal

Spirit: Andrew
Medium: Al Fike
Date: February 24, 2019
Location: Homosassa Springs, FL

… this beloved son (D) and wonder, “Does he too need to journey to the heart of pain within “? I say, his journey is different. In many ways, these things that hinder your progress have been expiated in the past though even he did not recognize the process and all its finality.

This gift to go within is of a great service to his progress, and you too, beloved daughters, have many gifts. But because you each have been hurt long years ago, it is easier to not acknowledge it and to build a protective wall around those places so tender. So many follow this same course of action but must come in some time to acknowledge and face those pains that are so deep.

I will use this instrument to assist you as well. His gifts continue to flourish. His life continues to grow as does yours. But because your gifts are different, each may be used in unique ways. Presumptions and insights that are obscured by one, may come clear to another. This is why God brings his children together so that there may be a clear perception of the soul condition that is layered by the encrustations of life. It is the power of God’s Love that continues to loosen these conditions around you, beloved souls. It is the power of God’s Love that brings you together. It is the power of God’s Love that will bring healing and relief. Allow yourselves to walk upon this journey of expiation and healing and you will be surprised how readily you may come to that place where you are ready. You are ready, beloved souls. It will not be so difficult to cross the chasm and be free.

God bless you, I am Andrew. I too will assist in this healing time. God bless you as will the son who is coming. He has gifts of perception as well although he may surprise

even himself in this awakening and power to heal, perceive, and bless as God’s instruments of love. God bless you. God bless you. I am Andrew.