SPIRIT: Grace Jordan
DATE: January 22, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
I come to affirm my dear sister’s (Barbara Davies) talk with you. I too was sensitive, but my journey and my experience was different because I am a different soul and I experienced life in a different way. Still, the yearnings and desires to serve humanity burned bright in me, as it did in my dear sister. Though we walked a parallel path of service, the way in which that service was given and manifested was different.
So it will be with you. So it will be with everyone. For each of you is unique. Each of you will experience and perceive life from your own perspective. Do not compare yourself with another and do not judge others in that comparison, but honour who you are, what God has given to you and the opportunities that lay before you. You will find that as you are strong within, as your faith grows and the Love of God continues to burn and brighten within you, the way and means of service will become evident. Your gifts, abilities, perceptions and capacities will become evident.
This is where my son suggests you ask. I say and reinforce that small message, that asking to serve is an important part of serving. When you ask God to guide you, when you ask God to show you the way to serve and it is given, then you must accept or reject the opportunity that is put before you. When you sit comfortably in your safety, in that which is so easily and comfortably a part of your life and do not ask, then the opportunity is lost. The power to grow, to truly grow, which is given when you serve, is also lost.
You must be brave, my beautiful, beautiful friends. You must be strong and you must be willing to move beyond that place that is so safe and comfortable to a place of challenges. When you walk through that door, you discover many things that will help you to grow and expand in the trueness of your own soul’s being. Be true to yourself. Be true to life and the greater life that comes with the Love of God. In this way, you will propel yourself quickly through all the phases and stages, all the challenges and situations that will help you grow and manifest your true self in the world.
When you do so, heads will turn. People will acknowledge you. Some will be frightened of you. Some will want to be close to you. But many, many will respect you for who you are and what you do. So, I urge you, as does my beloved sister, Barbara, to walk the path that is authentic and true to yourself and to express that part of you, that soulful part, in all the ways and means that are possible, all the channels and opportunities that direct you and open you to the way of service, the way of love.
God bless you, both beautiful souls. I am Grace and I honour my son ( David Jordan), who continues to want to progress and to be a light. Indeed, he is a light. I have great love for him and I am close, as he well knows. I am close, as I am with all of you today. God bless you. I am humbled by your light, beautiful souls and the light that you create together, beautiful and powerful, strong and multidimensional in its way to bring blessings to the world. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.