SPIRIT: Barbara
DATE: January 22, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
Beautiful friends, I am Barbara. Sensitivity comes with a great price. Many of you here wish to be sensitive and psychic in your way and travels upon the Earth. Because of events in my life, I was opened and sensitive from a young age. I wish to say to you that when that sensitivity is open to the degree it was for me, it made for a difficult challenge to walk the road of life and feel so intently and intensely, to see beyond what material eyes see and the mind knows as reality, to feel so deeply that many sorrows came to my heart.
Seeing others in their pain made for a difficult time to grow and to mature, but it also strengthened me. It also awakened me to different things and it brought me to God. So, I wish to say that those of you who feel and perceive within yourself a lack of sensitivity and perception, life in your world is easier for you. You have found a way to navigate without those trials and tribulations that I experienced. I was always thought of as different. I was never part of the crowd. I was often lonely, but I found my way and God brought me into a place of service and understanding my own true self.
I found that when I was of service and when I was with God in prayer, those sensitivities and parts of me that, at times, were difficult to deal with were in alignment. I did not feel and perceive the difficulties as I normally would in a day doing mundane tasks. When you are doing God’s work, when you are in alignment and God has engaged you in a task of service, then you receive the protection, the grace and the light around you. You will feel it and you will know it. The crowding in of the dark conditions of the world will not be felt, nor are they present.
For those of you who are extremely sensitive, it is in service that you find your way to that place that is comfortable and brings peace even when you are dealing with challenges in that condition that you are encountering. When you are in prayer, and I often went into prayer as I felt challenged, then you are at peace. It is a balance between engaging in the material world and engaging with God in such a way that the blessings of God wash away the challenges that come with life. There is ultimately peace, love and a sense of rightness in your life, a harmony that ensues in your life.
You may work hard to clear away the debris of a life that has been filled with disharmony and, to a degree, this is required. But, the greatest antidote to disharmony is prayer. The greatest blessing to expelling all that is within you that is not of love is the blessing of God’s Love. Indeed, each of you have your struggles, your pains, your past and your desires. Do not let the conditions from the past that reside within you be the dominant way of dealing with life.
This is where you must be disciplined. When you recognize that this is the pattern that you are manifesting, put it aside in yourself and say a prayer. “God, help me to rise above this condition, these thoughts, these judgments, these fears and be in Your grace and Your Love.” A quick prayer, a prayer that is sincere and well-intended, will have its effects. It is like taking a deep breath when you are upset and calming down, saying a prayer when you feel lost, threatened, judgmental, or angry will calm you and bring you into that place of peace, or at least closer to that place.
Never forget that the angels are there always to help you and assist you to navigate your daily life. Indeed, when you are inspired to do a task for God, to be guided forward in some mission or some way, whether that be something somewhat complicated and requiring a number of steps, or whether that be for the moment in a certain condition that will neutralise the darkness, it must be approached with faith, trust and willingness to step forward and to walk within the Will of God. In that, especially in those situations that are more complex, you will learn many things and you will be changed by it. For when you do the work of God, you are blessed as well. You receive as much as what is given. You are given much in blessings.
So it goes on this Path, this beautiful Divine Path, service, prayer, faith, trust, seeking the Love of God and seeking to express that Love in all its myriad forms and beautiful ways. This is the Path, the highest Path, to find your at-onement with God. Every soul in the universe has a desire to be at one with God. For where did you come from but the Womb of God? You were with God in the beginning and now that you are an individuated soul, that desire still remains to be at one with God. God has provided the ways and means that this could be accomplished. But, in that, you still remain an individuated soul, a beautiful being created in your own right. In time, you are united with your soulmate and you find that beautiful closeness of at-onement together.
I am happy with my soulmate who has progressed into the Celestial Heavens. What a beautiful gift that is. The greatest gift of all, my beloveds, is the gift of God’s Love and the powerful gift that God has given you is the gift of free will. You must balance and navigate these gifts that God has inherently given to you and all, if you are willing to accept and to understand as they are. Be true to your souls and know that trueness and that relationship that you have within yourself, brought on by your desire, your choice and your efforts to be in harmony within you and to develop your soul in Love, will have its rewards and will bring its blessings.
You are on your way. Each one is a light. Each one is beautiful. Do not shirk from what God wants to give you or what God wishes for you to do. But, as you walk upon that road filled with experiences, opportunities, blessings and filled with gifts, you will find such deep joy, abiding joy, abiding knowledge and abiding Love, that all that I say you might do will come easily. For the Love empowers you. The Love opens you. The Love shows you the way. We are on a journey together, beautiful souls of God. I am with you along with many others.
God bless you, beloved souls. I am Barbara. My love is with you. I know your struggles. I know that each of you struggle in your own way, but you are heading in the direction of greater light, greater light. You will achieve this with persistence, prayer, faith, love for God and love for yourself. God bless you. God bless you, beautiful ones.