Continues to Call You to Service

SPIRIT:          Augustine
MEDIUM:     Al Fike
DATE:            January 14, 2025
LOCATION:  St Michael, Barbados

Jesus continues to call you to service, beloved souls. I know you have one ear listening and one ear directed toward the demands of your world. This causes you some concern. It brings some disheartening challenges. But, indeed, the one ear that has trouble listening will continue to direct itself toward God, guidance and our beloved brother who is here guides you so.

You are transforming, beloved souls. You are transforming in light. Heed what is happening within you and put aside those concerns and distractions. For the time comes when you must listen, listen more fully to your guidance and answer that guidance with affirmation and action. As you do so, then the guidance will become more clear and stronger and your efforts will come more easily and graciously. But if you are pulled in two different directions, then you find yourself in conflict and, indeed, the work that you are asked to do is only partially done.

There are times when you are fully committed. Often those times are at your convenience, that which is easy for you. But now comes the time to commit even to those tasks that are difficult and those situations that are not altogether clear in your mind. Yet, your soul knows. You must go to your soul to find that clarity, to find the impetus, the guidance and direction that is needed.

As you do so, you will grow in strength and clarity. You will put aside that which distracts you, that which is distracting the world. You will find yourself within the grace of God, as our beloved brother Jesus asks you to do. We all ask you to do this. My beloved students, thousands upon thousands of angels are praying for you, are asking that through an exercise of your will, you may choose the light always and choose to serve with great dedication. Yes, you are human and you are flawed. All these things we are well aware of. Yet, there is something wonderful happening within you, something magnificent. As your soul grows in the Love of God, so the transformation begins and it shall and can take place within your lifetime. You may indeed enter into very high spheres, possibly even the Celestial Heavens.

Through your efforts, the rewards will be great. Through your efforts, what will be given to many will be powerful and transformative. But you must be willing, not just willing with the idea that this is convenient, that this will work with my way of living. No, my friends, it must work with every breath. It is not that you will be asked to venture forward with every breath, but with every breath, if you are willing to be in alignment with God, then you will know the steps to take. You will feel the impetus of the direction you must head and express yourself in the world.

It is a challenging, challenging thing, but you will not go unrewarded, nor will you be depleted and empty at the end of the day. Yes, your body may tire and your mind may be challenged, but your soul will continue to know the joy, replete with that joy and in the grace and knowledge that you are truly a child of God, His servant, divine, the love shining forth in all its splendour.

God bless you, beloved students. I am your teacher, Augustine. I continue to guide you and I continue to challenge you. For you need your challenges, my beloved and beautiful friends. For you to grow, it is important that you are challenged. This is the way of your earthly world. Indeed, without this motivation, the sense that you must continue to make efforts to be in greater harmony with truth, to release the impediments of love, to be a light, then you would be content with the mediocrity of feeling loved by God, but not truly putting that love into action.

So, I come on the heels of our beloved Master to give the more difficult message. I am happy to do so, for I know the ways of the world. I lived in this world and I sinned in many ways. I understand the temptations, I understand the pitfalls and I understand the power of the soul to overcome these things, if you are but willing to listen. God bless you, beloved students. Your teacher, Augustine, loves you, will continue to love you and to encourage you and to guide you. God bless you, beloved, beautiful souls, children of God.