SPIRIT: Keea-atta-Kem (Guidance)
DATE: February 27, 2025
I too come to acknowledge you. On the heels of our beloved Master, on the heels of love, we do our work. We do so with love. We do so as our dedication and our acknowledgment of our Heavenly Father. As we toil away together, we are creating greater light in the world and bringing the possibility of truth to many.
Continue to uphold this, my beloved and beautiful friends. For as you do, the possibilities of greater service come. Indeed, your soul grows resplendent in love and light. You are loved, each one of you, precious to God and precious to us. We will continue on our journeys, discovering ways and means of serving God, serving humanity in the Truth and Love that are His blessings for the world.
God bless you, my beloveds. I am Keea-atta-Kem. I love you. I am with you too in all that you do. Our efforts will grow and we will grow in the Love of God. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.