SPIRIT: Andrew
DATE: January 12, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
I am Andrew. May you continue to open yourselves to a great inflowing of God’s Love, the Essence of His Soul bringing you ever higher and closer to the fountainhead of His Love. I welcome you all into this Circle of Light. We are close with you. As you continue in your endeavours to be in harmony with God’s Will, to be in harmony with the Truth of God’s Love, you feel the bond and connection of your souls together, seeking for this blessing and bringing this light forth through you as a channel of love and light in the world.
How important your efforts are, beloved souls. We encourage you in this. Even though your numbers are small, your efforts are great. Even though you continue to struggle in the Truth of God’s Love, awakening your souls as you are in this truth, you are already a formidable force, a beautiful channel of love for God. I encourage you forward, beautiful friends, those who are mortal, those who are in the spirit and the Celestial souls who continue to gather and reinforce your efforts. Though there are few in the flesh, there are many in spirit. There are many here who wish to bring the Truth of God’s Love to this world, that it might be transformed and healed in Love.
It begins in small corners of the globe but shall spread, my beautiful friends, spread far and wide as the souls of humanity feel the promptings of God to encourage and to inspire their seeking for the truth, their seeking for God. It is important that you, beloved souls, are steadfast and continue as you do, in prayer, in great faith and in your desire to serve. All these things are a vital aspect of the work that you do. Though it may seem humble and without great cause, this is not the case. You are indeed a part of something profound and powerful that will grow and become ever more powerful.
For the truth shall stand and be here amongst you, not to fall away or dissipate, but to be strengthened and more powerful as time goes on. It requires your dedication and patience. It requires your consistency and your faith. It requires those things of the soul that shall bring you forward in your understanding of truth, in your closeness with God and in the expansion of your soul in Love.
Continue, my beloved and beautiful brothers and sisters. Be true to this cause. Awaken as God continues to open your souls in Love. May the truth shine forth in all that you do and all that you are. My beloved brethren, I am Andrew and I am with you today in this loving gathering of dedicated souls. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you. My love is with you. God bless you.