SPIRIT: Bartholomew
DATE: January 26, 2025
LOCATION: Christ Church, Barbados
May the glory of the Father’s Love enter into your souls in great abundance. May you come to know this gift from God as your friend and your Saviour, for it is indeed these things.
I am Bartholomew. I come to uplift you and to reassure you that the words that have been spoken these past few days are the truth. Is it not sad that so many do not know of these things? The very basic truths of life have been hidden from humanity. Because of this, there is great suspicion regarding the truth of life after death and regarding many things that are of the spirit. The vast majority of humanity continues to live in the darkness and ignorance that is of this earthly plane.
This is why we come. This is why we make efforts to work with people so that they may come to know the truth and be liberated from the mythologies and the ignorance that are so much a part of everyday life. Every soul longs for God. Every soul knows God to a degree. But, in your world, this knowledge, this sense of soul and God, the feeling that comes with this, is hidden away. Some, even though they are aware, feel shame. Some, though they are not aware, dress up this truth with many ideas and religious dogma that keep them truly from God.
For the fortunate few, they are able to go beyond those conditions, thoughts and biases and come to God directly. You are a part of those fortunate souls. You seek, you desire and you will find. God will make every opportunity available to you to find the truth. Even though within all of humanity there are deep biases, deep wounds and deep prejudices that keep them from God in the purest way. But, indeed, as you come closer to your heavenly Father, from the Creator of all, from God, from whatever you wish to designate as a name, you will know reprieve from the harshness of this world. You will come to know truth in a form that is far more pure than what is the general consensus. You will come to know a part of yourself that is longing to be known and longing to be nurtured.
Beloved souls, God loves each and every one of you beyond measure. God desires for each of you to know the glories of His Love, to sound the depths of your soul and to feel the joy that comes with the relationship with God. It is up to you to find your way. For many of you, it is a twisting path. It is a maze in the forest. It is a difficult journey, for your mind, combined with the minds of all of your brothers and sisters in the world, have created many obstacles upon the path. Yet, when you come to God with all purity and innocence, God is there always, never to forsake you, never to leave you alone, but is there is your companion always.
We too, we who are part of the Celestial Kingdom, will come to know you well. Our hope is that you will come to know us well, that together we will forge an alliance of light, an alliance of truth that will hold you steadfast in the light for all of your existence upon this world and the next, but also will make possible the possibilities of service, of bringing this truth, demonstrating this truth, being a beautiful light and a channel of love to the world.
For if you are ignited by this truth and the light burns bright in your soul, you will be compelled to set forth in your daily life and express that light, to be that light and to be God’s instrument, knowing God’s Will, expressing that Will, through whatever gifts and abilities that you may possess. You will live what you call a charmed life, a life that will be protected and guided, a life that will be fulfilled.
For you will know the secrets, the great secret, the great truth that all life is meant to be predicated upon love. As you infill your soul with Love through prayer, your love, your life shall be in harmony and blessed by Love. With that Love will come joy, will come knowledge, will come truth, will come wisdom, will come all that you require to live a life in harmony. It is given to you freely, beloved brothers and sisters. It is not because God chooses. It is because you have chosen God. In this, your choice will be well-made and well-rewarded. Do not stop when you feel uncomfortable or challenged with the truth, but forge ahead. Seek out explanations and understandings that will assuage your mind and bring peace. Allow yourself to be guided, for God has sent you an angel, an angel who is all too willing to help you and guide you upon the path.
In this world, to find your way can be a difficult task. God helps you to find your way in such a way and form that you will know and be gratified that you are making progress, that you will know God with such a depth and breadth that it will be your foundation and your truth in life. His Love will be that foundation as it is given piecemeal to you in prayer.
My prayer for you, beloved souls, is that you find your way to truth and that no matter what approach you take, what road you first set upon, that road and that approach will bring you to God. You may take a circuitous route. You may follow a path that leads not in the direction of God, but elsewhere. But, if your soul has its way, it will compel you to seek out God, for that is the fulfilment of the soul’s desire to be with God, to know God and to reunite with God.
When you follow the simple practice, a prayer to receive the gift of God’s Love, this is the surest and quickest route to be at one with your Creator. It is your choice, as always. God does not interfere, nor do we with that choice. But, once you have made it, once you have dedicated yourself upon that path, then you will have all the resources. All that can be made available to you will be made available readily. You will feel the power of the upliftment, the strength of the inspiration and the beauty of your own soul, finding its mark, knowing its way to God.
May you be blessed, beloved souls. I am Bartholomew. I have been with you all of this time together. I have a vested interest in you and many others from your part of the world to find the truths of their existence, whether it be that simple truth of the continuation of life after death, or the great and most powerful truth of knowing the grace of God, through His Love. I will be there to help you, assist you and uphold you. This is my dedication to you and this is my dedication to God. May you find the peace that passes all understanding,
beautiful souls, and walk upon the Divine Path, the path that will nourish your soul and feed Love to the hungering soul, so that it may be redeemed and enjoy fulfilment of its destiny to be at one with God. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.