Commends Us for Our Capacities for Strength, Persistence and Choices to Serve God

SPIRIT: Andrew (Teaching)
DATE: February 18, 2025

Your Earth sleeps in acquiescence. It slumbers with apathy. It continues to seek out the material gratification that comes with desires of the flesh. It walks in the shadow of the mind and does not seek anything beyond this. Yet, you persist, beloved souls. You persist and walk the road less travelled.

I am Andrew. I come to you to acknowledge your strength and your capacity to seek truth above all else. For it requires great dedication and, indeed, honesty and integrity to walk this road, the road of God’s Love. Despite the currents and influences of this earthly condition in which you live, you continue to fight against the tide and to seek truth, love and light. You are rewarded with the blessings of God’s Love and the presence of your angel friends. You are given many blessings. You are offered great protection and upliftment, because you have chosen well. You have decided that your life must be focused on God and not on these material gratifications of which I speak.

Many do not understand you or even see you. Yet, indeed, when it comes to soul to soul, you are stirring those around you from their slumbers. You are bringing an influence, an invitation, a light that many souls long for and seek, yet that seeking and longing is subjugated by the material conditions. I urge you to continue to grow in the Father’s Love, to continue to seek this great blessing, so that when the time comes and the Earth is crying out, you will be able to provide the answers needed. You will be God’s instruments in powerful ways. You will have the strength, perception, wisdom and love to speak the truth and to explain to the lost souls, bewildered as they will be, that it is necessary for these changes to occur.

For these things will help save humanity and redeem them from a trajectory that will lead to self-destruction. God cannot have this happen to any of His children and to this world of His creation. God is determined that these things will be circumvented with actions and events that will awaken humanity from their slumbers, that will bring humanity to its knees, but in a way that they cry out for God for relief from their pain and relief from the turmoil.

The pain that all souls in your world carry is often buried under these distractions that are so predominant. When these distractions are no longer there, the awareness of this pain and conditions becomes acute. Many will be very dissatisfied, angry and confused. Many will wonder and feel victimised by these earthly conditions. In truth, humanity has brought upon itself these conditions through the choices that have been collectively made, choices that exact their toll not only on the weak and the lost, but also on the innocent. This is most unfortunate, but God will offer, and is offering at this moment, a way out of this condition, a way beyond it, to that of harmony, peace and love.

You have found God’s outstretched Hand. You have grasped it with your soulful desire to be with your Heavenly Father. In your choice and your desire, God is lifting you up. God is giving you the key to greater understanding of love, of harmony and of truth. It is given freely, but each must choose. Each must come to that place of awareness and understanding that there is a choice. Each must search their own soul to find that that choice is a sincere longing within.

May you be blessed, beloved souls, continually blessed in the Father’s Love. May you continue to reach out to God as God reaches toward you, that you may find your way upon a path that is obscured by the human condition. Yet, within your soul, you see it clearly and walk upon it bravely. My beloved and beautiful brothers and sisters, you are truly hope for mankind. For you have found the answer to the soul’s progression, redemption, development and transformation. Speak of this to your brothers and sisters. Speak of the power of Love and how it may transform every soul, as God, through the Holy Spirit, touches them to their very depths.

God bless you, beloved souls. I am Andrew and I love you dearly, beloveds. I love you. I am with you in your prayers, in your desires and in your seeking. God bless you. Andrew loves you. God bless you.

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