SPIRIT: James Padgett (Guidance)
DATE: January 16, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
I am happy to hear my grandmother speak of truth, for she is eloquent, is she not? A beautiful soul shining forth in light. My friends, when you say that to convey the words of truth to your brothers and sisters in the world is “a great challenge,” I wish to correct you in your thinking. You are conveying the Truth of God’s Love in the world with each breath, for you are a living example of it. But when you go out into the world to speak to your brothers and sisters, often that conversation is of a mundane nature. People are comforted by the mundane subjects that you entertain.
Yet, sometimes a door is opened. Sometimes the subject matter entertains a spiritual topic and this is your opportunity to speak and to share. Sometimes, your angel friends will guide you toward that topic in your conversations. As you converse with someone, even a stranger, and you do so in loving terms and in a way that is non-threatening and open, the individual is relaxed and open in their own way. You may slip in a snippet ]=truth, a phrase that may excite the soul.
As you well know, the consciousness of the soul and the consciousness of the material mind are quite different indeed. That soul consciousness within the individual most often is receptive, hungering, feels your light and is drawn to you. The individual, in their own consciousness, may not understand the dynamics, but they will often feel that they are drawn, that they feel something that is within you and around you that brings some comfort and peace. That is the Love of God working and will continue to work as you grow in this Love.
Remember that God uses many opportunities, many situations, in order to bring a blessing to another individual through you. Do not judge this. Do not think that “I must speak the truth to hundreds and thousands, this is my purpose and task and anything else is less.” In fact, every ministry starts with simplicity and humility and is small in the beginning.
As you practice to be that channel of light and truth in the world with these individual connections and blessings, then you grow stronger and wiser in your ways. You come to understand the way in which people think and what they desire. When times come when you are speaking to a larger crowd, then you will understand where the impediments are and where the desire is. If you are humble enough to address these individuals from that place of wisdom and perception, then you will gain their ears. They will listen. They may not indicate that they agree with you, but they are listening.
That hearing of truth goes from the mind directly to the soul. For truth is like that. It is not impeded, but sinks directly to the soul and that will have its effects in time. That will help another person upon their spiritual journey, whether they have begun that journey at the moment that you speak to them, have begun it years before, or will begin it years after. At least this snippet of truth that you have spoken will stay with them and there will be a moment where that clarity of what you say will come to their consciousness. They, in their own way, will have the choice to listen and abide by that truth or not.
The great work of God at this moment is to bring the choice to every soul, that they may choose to be with God and His Love, or choose to be upon the path of natural love but still considering God in their lives. It is an unfortunate situation upon the Earth plane that many, many are resistant to this. Many do not believe in God. Many believe that the life that they have has come by many circumstantial situations over many years, that they have evolved into what they are by the cells coming together in many ways, many variations until, indeed, there is a human being. But what directs that progress? What is behind that mere evidence of life of material being?
Many do not want to strain themselves to seek out the answers to these questions, so they go happily on their way in a life mediocre and somewhat meaningless. When they do pass into spirit, many are shocked at the moment how mediocre their life was and how meaningless in many ways. Yes, they fulfilled the purpose of procreating and sustaining life. They lived and interacted with others in various ways. They loved, many did and some did not. But, oh how very rudimentary are these things where God has put before humanity the possibilities of great progress, of great understanding and deep, wondrous living upon this Earth with love as the key component, with harmony with all as part of life and the many experiences that could be that are possible with human life, understanding the soul, understanding the spirit and understanding the mind.
Indeed, humanity is stuck with understanding and, in a rudimentary way, the possibilities of the mind. Yet, there is so much more. So, you have a great work ahead of you, my beautiful friends. Do not shirk your responsibilities. Do not hide from humanity, but engage, engage in love. Be patient and kind, generous and open. Be true to your soul and true to the guidance that may come. For every day is an adventure when God is engaged in this way. When we are close to you, there are many possibilities and you might avail yourself of these things. For each opportunity that comes to you is also an opportunity to grow and an opportunity to give. Life is full of blessings and, at times, challenges. But, indeed, everything that comes to a soul that is open and awakening to truth is a great blessing and an opportunity to grow and to live in love.
Be with God, my beautiful friends. Have faith that God will guide you. Have faith in God’s plan for the salvation of humanity. Have faith that your angel friends are close and be true to the truth. Be filled with love and joy and you will attract many to you. There is much waiting and there is great effort waiting. With the right attitudes, you will find the ways and means to bring the truth to humanity.
First, you must start with your interactions with others and grow from there, step by step. The door will open and the opportunities will flood in when you are in that place of readiness, of wisdom and of beautiful love flowing abundantly through you. Then wherever you go, whatever you might say, will draw others, many others. You will find the fulfilment of a deep soul desire to serve in this way. It will come, my friends, with patience, perseverance, consistency and love.
God bless you. I am James and my love is great for you, each one. For you are diligent and you are lights. What the world needs is more of you, my friends, many more. God bless you. God bless you.
2025-01-16-AF-James Padgett