Come to Know Your Soul as Your Primary Consciousness for True Happiness

SPIRIT:                   Elizabeth
MEDIUM:                Al Fike
DATE:                     January 05, 2025
LOCATION:            Sechelt, B.C.

Beloved souls, I am Elizabeth. I am known to you in the Bible. I come a great distance to be with you, for I reside close to the High Heavens where the Master resides. I make this journey to come and speak to you about the simple truth of what has brought me to that place and what will bring you in time to that place. A place within the Celestial Heavens that is beyond description and is filled with such joy, light and love that you could not bear the power of it in your present state.

It is where you are all going in time. This is where the rewards of your efforts will become most obvious and most wondrous, for God rewards those who come to Him with humility, simplicity and desire to receive this great gift of Love. So, each of you begin this journey early in your existence, as you have incarnated upon the earthly plane, a difficult place to find God. Even though God is there always, the conditions of your world continue to detract from this.

My beloveds, you have overcome the barriers. You have sought the truth. You have taken the journey of the soul, finding your relationship with God. You must come to know your soul as your best friend and come to know your soul with such depth, desire and harmony that it indeed is the primary motivator, the primary focus and consciousness of your being. In this way, you will bypass many lessons, many conditions and difficulties and much pain as you are within the grace of God and carried in that light. You will find true happiness there and you will find truth that is beyond the understanding of man but can be yours because you have progressed far beyond this earthly plane’s condition into such great light that the truths of the universe will be yours.

My beloveds, the journey, though not swift, is sure and will take you to that place your souls long for. The desire of your soul is to be at one with God and the way and means to do so is to receive the great gift of Divine Love, the Essence of our Creator. As you beseech this blessing to come to you and the Holy Spirit conveys this gift, you are truly the blessed ones, the ones who know and the ones who are truly in alignment with God. No matter your life circumstances, your mental acuity, your physical abilities, all things of the material, you are truly ascendant in the Love and will find the greatest blessings and joy therein.

Be God’s instruments of light, my beloveds. You are truly well on your way. I see amongst you many bright lights, many souls who indicate that they have been deeply blessed with the Father’s Love. Together, you make a formidable force for light and truth. Indeed, it is time for the world to come to know this and apprise themselves of this truth, so that they too may carry the Light of God within their souls. In this, the conditions and expressions of human thought and endeavour that are out of alignment with God’s Truth and God’s Laws will be further eroded and transformed into light.

The world needs all of you. The world hungers for love and yet the world is ignorant of how they might receive it and know it. You are not ignorant. You are a light. You carry the flame of truth. It burns within your souls. My beloveds, be strong in the light and do not allow any condition to hold you from the light and from God. Strengthen yourselves in light. Seek with great earnestness the blessings of God. Say your prayers with great earnestness and desire. Be that light in the world and do not be afraid to shine forth in the world. Be true to yourselves, for as you continue to discover who you truly are, then you must honour this in your lives, expressing your true selves in all you do and all you are in the world.

This is the greatest teacher of all, this true expression of self. Do not shirk from that expression or the uniqueness that that expression brings to your countenance. Be joyful, beloved souls, for God has given you life and as you pursue His great gift of Love, you will have life everlasting. The joy and wonderment of this as you continue to progress, never ending upon the journey, is a feeling of expansive, unrivalled joy of the soul, knowing that you have found the secret to eternal life, that you walk the path of eternal progression, a gift that is beyond any other gift, a path that is beyond any other path. How blessed you are, my beloveds. How blessed indeed.

So, we turn our desires, thoughts and joy toward God, to receive this great gift of Love, to know it, to feel it, to be surrounded and truly a part of it. It is God’s gift to you and your gift to God is to accept it willingly and with joy. Shall we continue in our prayers, seeking it beyond all else and being within the holy Touch of God’s Love?

God bless you, beloveds. I am Elizabeth and I love you all. I am glad to be with you today in this Circle of Light, this prayerful gathering of beautiful souls. God bless you. God bless you all.