Christmas Blessing

SPIRIT: Matthew
DATE: December 24, 2024

Bless you, beloved souls. I am Matthew. You honour our beloved brother, Jesus, by seeking the truth that he taught, by demonstrating the truth in your lives, by being close to God and receiving His great Love. When you do these things, you keep alive the truth and you reinforce the truth in the material world.

It is unfortunate that much of the motivation in your world regarding the birth of Jesus is based on error. It is a misdirected appreciation of what Jesus is and what he stands for, though there is certainly love and goodwill demonstrated amongst Christians in this time of celebration and this brings its own measure of light. Indeed, in the future, when the world has changed, this form of celebration will not be one that will be held on a particular day. It will be held every day.

For each day I urge you, my beloved friends, to celebrate the very fact that Jesus was born and was able to bring this truth to humanity. That indeed, he came again with our beloved brother, Padgett and reintroduced the truth to humanity. So, you are here. You have heard the call, you have heard the truth and you come together to pray for this gift. In times to come, your beloved brother will manifest for all eyes to see. You, my beloved and beautiful friends, will be a part of this, as will others, in this great plan to transform the attitudes, the understandings and the actions of humanity toward that which is in greater harmony with truth and greater harmony with love. This will be accomplished through the efforts of many.

There is an army of angels poised to bring about this change. We are building an army of mortals who are seeking truth and will join your ranks in demonstrating the truth, teaching it to many, bringing comfort and light to many. With the changing conditions of the world, there will be greater receptivity within the hearts and souls of humanity to accept these truths in all their simplicity, power and beauty. You are upon that road. You are well upon that road. Certainly, your mind does not obstruct the truth as it might have in the past. But indeed, for you to be in condition, in that place of light, to be a true demonstrator of the truth and to have your angel friends and our beloved brother, Jesus, manifest through you, it requires much more application in prayer and application in life of the truth that you know. I know this is difficult in your world at this time, a world that seems to continue to catapult itself toward further darkness. Yet, the more that expression is demonstrated by humanity, the stronger you must become in the Light and in the Truth of God’s Love.

So, my beloveds, as you celebrate the birth of Christ, our beautiful and beloved friend, Jesus, think of the meaning and the purpose behind it. Think of what is important and what is necessary in order to bring the light brighter upon the Earth, in order to honour the truth that Jesus brought, to be that truth in your life and to express it in the lives of others through service, kindness and generosity, without judgement, without anger, or all things negative, but with light, pure and beautiful light, with love, pure and beautiful love, and truth uttered through your lips and demonstrated in your lives,

May you be blessed, beloved souls, in the grace of God, that great truth known to you and, in time, will be known to many. God bless you in this time. I come to reinforce your efforts and to acknowledge your efforts, for you continue to grow and shall continue to do so for all eternity. We shall make our efforts toward the grace and blessings of God. God bless you. God bless you, beloved souls.