Carry this light into the darkened world

Spirit: Augustine   

Medium: Al Fike

Location: Vancouver, BC

Date:  December 7, 2015

May God’s peace be with you, my beloveds, and may you carry the Light that you have received this night into the darkened world, for each of you has prayed for this to bring Light to this darkened world and each of you, in your own way, may do so as God’s channel of Love as you carry this Light within you. Do not hide it, do not forget it, but carry it held high with Love, with the sure knowledge that God has touched your souls deeply with His Mighty Hand and Light and Love. And you must carry this high and walk boldly in the world acknowledging that you are a true child of the Heavenly Father and you are loved and a beautiful creation of God.

Beloved souls, be with God each day, send your prayers forth, be open to what God has to give you and allow God to work through you, for how else will the world be changed but by each soul willing to enact that change that is present within them and to bring this into their world, their consciousness, their being. And to all those whom they may encounter in the world bring this Love, bring this Light, bring this peace.

Beloveds, you will carry this and it will bring change in the world. God bless you, beloved souls, walk in peace. Bring the Love. God bless you, Augustine loves you dearly.