SPIRIT: Orion (Guidance)
DATE: March 02, 2025
May you be blessed with a great inflowing of the Father’s Love, this universal blessing that is available to all souls who inhabit the universe of God’s creation. I am Orion. I come to you to speak of the changes and the great efforts that are being made from all corners, from all layers, avenues and directions of God’s universe to bring harmony, to bring peace and to bring all that is required for humanity to thrive. Many eyes are upon you, my friends. Eyes from different planets, such as mine. Eyes from the spirit world, the Celestial Heavens and the blessings of God. For there is a great plan afoot to help adjust and shift and change your world, that it might come to a place of greater harmony and light.
Do you have any idea how vast are the resources and the focus to bring about these changes in your world? Your world is at a tipping point, the cusp of great change. Indeed, those in power take their last gasps of effort to try to change and secure their place of power and wealth. Even each soul upon your world has a sense that all is not well and that change is coming. This anxiety is not so obvious within each individual, but within their souls, there is a knowing, a feeling of the waves of change that are coming. This manifests itself in a form of anxiety and worry.
Who would not worry if their life is to change dramatically, if what they make their underpinnings in a material sense will change and shift? Yet, we encourage you, beloved souls, to put your underpinnings with God, to be faithful and within the Touch and the blessing of God each and every day. In this way, nothing will change that is important, except that within your soul that changes each time it is touched by the blessing of God’s Love. When that blessing comes, infills you and brings that change within, then you are in harmony with the changes that God plans for this world and the efforts that are being made to bring light and harmony within it.
Be willing to change, my beloved and beautiful friends. Be willing to walk on the earth as an agent of change. Be willing to assess your life and your way of being in the world with the introspection needed to change habits and desires, so that you are more in harmony with your creation and with the Laws of Love that God has for each soul that desires this blessing of Love. In this way, though all around you may be great change, even chaos and panic, you will be at peace. You will find your way through the tumult.
God will ensure that your needs are provided for. God will send His angels, His stellar friends, all manner of help and assistance to you and your families and to those you pray for. When you have faith in the workings of God, in the plans that God has, so you are comforted with the knowledge that God has you well in Hand, that you are embraced by Love, protected and guided.
My beloved friends, there will be many who will be very distraught, very confused and often will blame God for these things. In truth, God is working to bring humanity and future humanity into a place of light and harmony, into a place where they may work diligently and labour within the Laws of Harmony. We too will assist you all, as will others who are truly your brothers and sisters living on different planets. Because of their progress, their souls awakened and their light, they are able to travel to you, to be with you and to hold your hand during this time of shifts and changes that are so required and necessary.
Your mind needs to be open to what is coming, not closed, afraid and defensive, but open, loving and sure that what is coming and almost upon you will be what is necessary and what will bring great hope and peace to your world. The difficulties will come in the resistance to this change. The difficulties will be created by the attitudes and fears of humanity, not by God’s blessings upon the world. For God’s blessings will bring comfort and peace. God’s blessings will bring harmony and grace to your world. Yet, many will resist this and many will suffer the consequences of their resistance, not because God wishes to punish, but because the laws are in place. When harmony is brought and instilled within a condition and it is discounted and people turn away, then where do they turn? What condition are they left with but the condition that they are used to and wish for. Often, that condition is dark and out of harmony.
Each individual has free choice. Each individual can be in light or not be in light. It is necessary for you, beloved souls, who understand the process that the Earth will undertake, to educate, to show the way and to teach how choice is a powerful tool. Choice will bring either light or darkness. Choosing to be with God and to receive the great gift that is the Essence of His Soul is the highest choice of all.
Continue to make that choice, my beautiful friends. Continue to seek greater harmony in your life. Continue to be at peace and to pray for this world of yours, so in need of your prayers and your light. Walk upon the Earth as God’s true and beautiful channels of love. This will set the foundation for the world to come. For the world will be predicated upon love. Love will be the currency. Love will be the motivation. Love will be the expression. Thus, you must be in harmony with that expression and in alignment with love. In this way, your light will shine. You will be a beacon that many will be drawn to. You will be a beacon for those in light, the spirit world and the stellar world, to be drawn to, to reinforce, to assist and to protect.
We are with you. You have our complete alliance, our joining with you in this effort to help save this world from the darkness that it has created. We will continue to work together. We will be with you, helping you. We love you, each one. We appreciate your efforts. We see them. We see your light. We see your soul. Our soul and yours resonate in the Truth of God’s Love.
We are brothers and sisters, all in this beautiful universe of God’s creation. I am Orion. I come to reassure you that great forces are in alignment with you. Beautiful light is upon you. You are being guided, shown the way, protected and taught, loved and cared for. God bless you, beautiful friends of Earth. God bless you.
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