Blessings and Healings

Spirit: Confucius
Medium: Al Fike
Date: February 3, 2019
Location: Gibsons, BC

Blessings of love to you, beloveds. I am Confucius and I bring to you a healing gift, a blessing to your physical and spiritual that you may feel the upliftment, the gift of God’s Touch upon you, that you may know this beloved and precious peace that is God’s presence in your life, that you are given all that you require to continue in your spiritual progress, that you may indeed know the great Love of God flourishing within your souls uplifting you with each day, bringing the counsel of Truth within your minds and the knowledge of Truth within your souls.

God bless you, beloved souls. Confucius loves you. Many angels love you and attend to your needs and carry you within the conditions of this world, in Light. God bless you. Peace be with you, beloveds. Peace be with you.