SPIRIT: Jesus (Blessing)
DATE: January 19, 2025
LOCATION: St Michael, Barbados
(Jesus stands Al Fike up and walks him into the centre of the room). My beloveds, I come to you in this moment of grace to be with you as you yearn for the Father’s Love in prayer. I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I come to bless you and be with you. As you continue to build the light together, you draw the angels close and transport yourselves from the material earthly plane to that place of heavenly grace.
We are with you. We are with you, beloveds. In all your yearning and all your desire, we are with you. We have great love for each one of you. We complement the Love of God that is great, pure and transformative.
Open yourselves to the Holy Spirit that is here. Bring your souls to that place where the flames of God’s Love may enter therein and burn all that is not of love away, that you may be made whole again in Love. In this healing of God’s Touch, you will be reborn in Love.
May peace be with you beloveds. May the grace of God beckon you to the Halls of Love, where the Living Waters flow in the peace that passes all understanding.