Bartholomew Continues to Help us Find Our Purpose

SPIRIT:           Bartholomew
MEDIUM:       Al Fike
DATE:             January 10, 2025
LOCATION:    St Michael, Barbados

I continue to work diligently to help you come to a place where you are strong and clear, filled with love and have the truth shining through you. For if you are to be God’s instruments in the world, in this place, these things must be accomplished. You require a sturdy hand, steady and strong. So, I am here and shall continue to be here. As long as you wish to serve God in the ways that your hearts so desire, God will provide the ways and the means, the guidance and the presence that will help you accomplish this.

There is much to be accomplished. There is much for you to do to be in that state of readiness and to continue to grow in the Father’s Love to the point where you are strong in light, truth, humility, grace and love. That your gifts shine through in all their glory and that you may know your purpose, what your souls have come into this world to do. For each of you has a purpose. Each of you will find it if you are willing to look, if you are willing to grow and to refine your capacities to express that purpose in all its beauty and glory.

God has work for you, my beloved souls, great work for you to do, if you are willing. If you are strong enough, if you are willing to put aside your reticence and your fears and don the cloak of purpose and authority, that you may speak to others in ways that they may listen, hear and benefit. That you may pray with others, that they are uplifted and come closer to that understanding of the truth. That you may be the example for others, so that they are reassured that the presence and effects of God’s Love within them have changed them and brought them to that place of purity and grace.

It requires strength, my beautiful friends, requires dedication and a desire to serve with humility. It requires your willingness to put aside conditions that are not of love and to reinforce and express that which is of love. Yes, this is strength and this is faith. So, we help you to come to see these things. We come to encourage you in this regard. But it is your desire, your choice, that shall bring the results. We can do what we can do, but you must do what you must do in order to be that instrument, to fulfil that purpose that is within you and to be that light that your soul’s desire to express. Not only within, but every aspect of you, every level of you, every part of you to be in light and to be enlightened.

Beloved souls, the work just begins and the journey requires strength and dedication. May you be blessed with both and choose both on the journey. I am Bartholomew. I come to welcome you. Dear brother, I have been with you often, but you are not aware of me. But when you feel the urgency, a surge in desire to do spiritual work and to be amongst those who are spiritual, this is I with you, helping you and upholding you. For your soul certainly does desire to bring the truth to the world and to bring the truth to yourself. So, we continue, my beloved friends. So, we continue. God bless you all in His Love. I will be close and I will speak often. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.