SPIRIT: Jesus (Guidance)
DATE: February 27, 2025
God bless you, beloved souls. I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I come to applaud your unity and capacity to work together. This pleases me greatly, for when you work together in harmony, when you support one another, then you strengthen the message of truth that I have come to bring and that you have come to bring to your brothers and sisters.
Though the words spoken, though the messages given, are just the beginning of the truth that must be shared, when the words ring true and the love is imprinted on the page, then those who come to read those words, hear those words, feel impressed and inspired to step further in their research or acceptance of the truth. What you do as mediums is important. How you comport yourself and how you work together to bring these blessings forth lays the foundation for those to come.
There will be many other mediums. There will be many others who will be a part of this great effort and many disciples of the truth. What you do together, how you set the stage and create the foundation, is crucial at this time. You will come to realise this in times to come, that your efforts have not been lost but have been recognised and acknowledged. Others will see the truth and wisdom of your approach.
Each of you has received blessings for your efforts. Each of you carries an important role. Each of you has the Hand of God upon you. Each of you has my approval and my blessing. We will continue on this road to share and distribute the Truth of God’s Love. We shall do so in joy, harmony, peace and wisdom. Most of all, we are all channels of love. We are all here to uphold the truth and to show the way toward greater love, toward our beloved Creator and toward all that will bring harmony and peace to your world and ours.
It comes with inspiration. It comes with prayer. It comes with faith. Together, we are examples. We exercise this truth in our lives and we are here to serve God’s Will and God’s plan for the salvation of humanity. We are blessed to know this, to realise our place, our role and our purpose. We shall uphold this as God continues to bless our souls with the inflowing of His Essence. We become greater lights, beautiful channels of love.
God bless you, beloveds. I am Jesus. I come to affirm you, to bless you and to be with you. God bless you, my beloveds. My love is with you always. God bless you.