SPIRIT: Barbara
DATE: August 23, 2024
I am Barbara. Some of you are quite hard on yourselves. When you have trouble reaching God, you blame yourselves, your deficiencies, your error, inability and capacity to be with God. I wish to assure you, my beloved friends, that there is more involved than just your will and your efforts. Indeed, the conditions of this world of yours plays a part in whether you are able to break beyond the human condition and be with God. For the intransigence of the world, the conditions of your world are great and powerful, and they come and go.
As these conditions build and flow and ebb and disperse, and though you have your angel friends with you always, and you have God wishing to bless you at every moment, at times the human condition makes for a great impediment and barrier to your efforts. I am not suggesting that you blame these conditions for every attempt that is unsuccessful, but I want to suggest that there are more factors than one that may be involved in these conditions and situations.
There are those who are gifted, who find it easy to reach God, to feel God, to be with God. I had many gifts and at times I had trouble being with God. Yet, most often, I was able to be with my Heavenly Father. I was exceptionally gifted in my vision, my soul perceptions that came more readily than many. People looked to me as the one who had great soul development, who was in the light, who was favoured by God even. I want to tell you that I was no better than any of you. Yes, I had a measure of God’s Love within my soul and I dedicated my life to service, to the downtrodden and the poor, and indeed this brought its benefits. Yet, this does not mean that I had a greater soul development than anyone else. For these things come in prayer and even when that prayer is but a moment of sincere effort, that individual may receive a great blessing of love. They have a great deal of love within their soul.
My beautiful angel guides showed me individuals who I was ministering to, who appeared to have a dejected life but had a beautiful light, a beautiful soul. It is not so easy to see this, to understand this about ourselves.
Even though you may feel remiss and inadequate, you may have the brightest soul you could imagine. I want to encourage each one of you to acknowledge your souls, to acknowledge the light therein. I also want to discourage any of you to judge another, to think of another as more highly progressed than yourself. Rather, think of all of humanity as your brothers and sisters. Think of all of humanity as loved equally by God. Think of how you have been greatly blessed by knowing the great source of power, of love that can transform and awaken your soul. God is continuously offering you that gift of Love. God will continue to do so for all eternity.
No matter where you are on the road, there are always those who are less developed and those who are more, but it is not a race and it is not a competition. It is a relationship between you and God and it is personal. If you wish to keep it private, by all means, do so. If you wish to share your experiences, then by all means, share them. Those who are quietly on the path are not necessarily behind those who are so eager to share. When you enter into the Celestial Kingdom, when your soul has been transformed by the Father’s Love, and in this transformation you have the perceptions that allow you to see the development of the soul, not only your soul but other souls, when this comes in a state of purity and transformation, do you think you judge your brothers and sisters? Do you think that you have judgement toward those on earth who are struggling and who are in dark places? No, my beloved friends, you have compassion, you have love and the desire to embrace all you meet with love.
Those of you who are feeling inadequate, put aside those silly feelings. Rather, acknowledge that you are loved by God and that love is the real and viable presence and blessing that you have elected to receive, that you are on the path of love. Acknowledge your decision, your efforts, your choice and be joyful in this. Be joyful in the fact that in some time during your progress you will enter into the beautiful realms of the Celestial Kingdom, You will find your way there. You are at this moment, and you will continue to do so. This is all that matters. This is all that is important.
How far you are upon the path, how easily you acknowledge God and God acknowledges you in a conscious and palpable way, can be a gift and a blessing, but it is not an indication of your progress. It is merely an indication of your capacity to recognise this progress. That capacity, because of your inhabitation of the earthly plane, is often determined by your mind, not your soul perceptions. How could your mind possibly know? It does not have the faculties to know.
So, if you are in that state of unknowing, and allowing yourself to feel somewhat dejected because you do not feel and know the joy, the acknowledgement, the awareness of the Father’s Touch upon your soul, let this go. It is a matter of faith to be with God, to open yourself to God, to allow God to touch your soul. It is a matter of prayer. It is a matter of trusting God. Trusting yourself and acknowledging is all that you require to be with Him, to share in His Love, to know without a shadow of a doubt that you are loved.
Be in that place of trust and faith. Be in that place of joy, releasing all concerns and judgements and worries. Be in that place, for the Grace of God is close and you may release all that hampers you from being with God. In this way, you will find your way to true and conscious acknowledgement of your soul’s progress and your soul’s relationship with God. It has to come, my friends. It’s the law. It’s the power of love working, and no, it may not come now or tomorrow, but it will come.
Have faith in this. Have faith in your progress in your journey toward at-onement with God. Know that you are loved, always, that we come to help you and uplift you, to help you see, know and feel your soul, and all that your soul can know, feel and perceive. You are well on your way my beautiful friends. Know that you will find your way no matter what. You will find your way. You are beautiful, each one, beautiful lights of God, truly loved, truly on the path.
I am Barbara and I love you. I love you dearly my friends. God bless you. You are all beautiful. God Bless you in His Love, forever.